Thursday, August 11, 2005

Goodsoil is getting tiresome.

They stand silently with their (somewhat tired-looking) rainbow sashes during the entire plenary sessions. They line the sides of the visitors sections which are on both sides of the plenary hall. The hall is so big that they really are not too noticeable unless you are in one of the sections right next to them. They are easily ignored by most of the hall.

They line both sides of the hotel halls approaching the convention center holding pictures of "glbt's, families of glbt, and friends of glbt's." Some wear handwritten signs that say something about their experiences. One said something about being transgendered and removed from candidacy (no kidding).

I just think it is intimidation. I know if I were a voting member, I would be leaning toward voting against their position because they bring in outsiders to pressure the ELCA to do what they demand.

Oh, and it is also bribery. I had an Orlando Sentinel on my doorstep in the hotel on Tuesday, compliments of Goodsoil. They keep handing out little gifts. Crosses with rainbows on them, hearts with rainbows on them. (Oh, glbt's are such nice people. Word Alone and Solid Rock aren't giving us anything! At least we have excellent speakers every night!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the case can't be made on a biblical, confessional basis, and the sexualtiy task force admitted that the burden of proof is on those wanting to change policy, and people aren't convinced by your "personal statments," I guess these are the only sort of things left.