Friday, June 29, 2007

What to expect at Churchwide Assembly.


Dear Members of LC/NA and the RIC Community,

Now that the synod assembly season has concluded, time is of the essence as we move forward with our plans for Churchwide Assembly. With an unprecedented 23 synods representing 40% of the membership of the ELCA passing memorials to move the church toward full inclusion, we have the best chance yet to make real progress in August. Here's the dope:

1. Please come to Chicago for the assembly. The dates are August 6–11, 2007.

2. Please register as a visitor on the ELCA website. Cost is $50/person. Visitor status will allow you access to the visitor section of ELCA plenary hall and ELCA worship events. Register through, click on Churchwide Assembly. Registration ends July 15!

3. Please volunteer. Register to volunteer through Volunteer opportunities are described there.

4. If you are a voting member willing to network for full participation, please register through as a voting member.

5. Housing is available at the Hyatt Regency through the ELCA. Register online for a room. The rate is $118/night plus tax. If you have a room and need a roommate give us that information when you register through Alternative housing recommendations are also available on the website.

6. The schedule of events is now available through But here are the highlights:

1. Tuesday – ELCA hearings on the Sexuality Study.

2. Tuesday – Educational session at the Hyatt following the hearings with Pastor Bradley Schmeling and members of his congregation in Atlanta.

3. Wednesday – earliest possible day for ELCA quasi-committee of the whole regarding memorials on blessings, delay, policy change, and refraining from discipline.

4. Wednesday – 8:00 pm Festival Worship at the Hyatt with Pastor Bradley Schmeling preaching. Reception following.

5. Thursday – possible day for ELCA debate on memorials – all hands on deck for silent prayer vigil in the hall.

6. Thursday evening following ELCA workshops at the Hyatt – Full display of the Shower of Stoles project with reception for voting members and visitors.

7. Friday – possible day for debate if not complete on Thursday

8. Friday – evening party for all goodsoil allies at the Hyatt

Remember the ultimate outcome is assured. Only the time, the when it happens, is in question. Win or lose in 2007, we will make history and real progress toward full inclusion. Come be a part of this chapter in the movement for full participation.

– Emily Eastwood, Executive Director


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if the votes necessary to pass "full inclusion" is only a simple majority, then Emily may be right. The outcome is assured. Remember that Resolution 3 on the sexuality study of last time garnered almost 50% of the vote. Many in favor of same-sex blessings and ordaining the same voted against Resolution 3 as it didn't go far enough.

Time to pray. Also time to get those bags packed.

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler, Pastor
Trinity-Bergen/Faith Lutheran Parish