Monday, September 01, 2008

Wow. What a choice.

I have always said that I am pro-choice, but that I think the choice should be for preserving the life of an innocent, unborn child. I wish that the thought of killing a child in its mother's womb was so abhorrent that it would be a choice that was made in only the most extreme circumstances.

We have quite the choice this year for president and vice-president. On the Democrat side, we have Barrak Obama who says he would not want to punish his daughters with a baby. He would not even support legislation to protect infants born alive as a result of botched abortions. His Catholic running mate has supported all pro-abortion bills placed before him.

On the Republican ticket we have a vice-presidential candidate who not only talks the talk, but she walks the walk as well. Instead of aborting her Downs syndrome son, as is done in about seventy-five percent of cases, she gave birth and welcomed him into the family. Today we hear that Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is five months pregnant. (I guess she really can't be baby Trig's real mom, can she, you left wing loonies?) She is going to give birth and, apparently, marry the father of her child. They are walking the walk that I have watched a number of my Christian, homeschooling friends walk in recent years. I applaud them for loving and supporting their daughter. Not to leave out the presidential candidate - McCain was actually handed his adopted daughter by Mother Teresa! (If I am wrong on this let me know...)

We have a choice this election between a culture of death and a culture of life. I am so happy to be able to vote for someone who supports life with actions, not just words. I believe that we will become a country that supports life not through laws, but through people who do what is right.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post! I'm with you...I think Palin is alright. No, she is more than that, she is terrific.

She's got more on the ball than both of those other two windbags put together x 10.

Obama is a young man with old ideas (socialism).- Thomas Sowell