Saturday, January 02, 2010

Honduras Refuses to Be Bullied

I only wish we Americans were so willing to stand up for our Constitutional rights!

The Obamites Fold Their Tents and Slink Off: Facing a Stronger Foe.
January 2, 2010, 7:47 am

By Bruce Karlson

The “stronger foe” referenced above is Honduras. As is obvious, its strength is not in force of arms, population, or economic clout. The Hondurans and their recent president, Roberto Micheletti, had spine, commitment, and principle.

Obamites, and Democrats in general, are unfamiliar with these attributes and usually simply pay obeisance to or pay off dictators of all persuasions. It should be noted that said dictators need not have their fiefdoms off shore.

Andrew Stern of the SEIU, the current head of the misnamed National Education Association (education is far down the list of interests for this bunch), the Teamsters, UAW, etc. can depend on government largesse ad infinitum from Obamites. All they need do is pay up and vote as required.

In June of last year the Honduran military, after being ordered by the Supreme Court, forced then President Manuel Zelaya out of office. He immediately left the country with the approval (encouragement?) of the military. Prior to being deposed, Zelaya attempted to hold an illegal vote that could have changed the Constitution to allow him to become president for life. After all, his new buddy, Hugo Chavez had done it, why not he? Hugo aided Zelaya as he wanted another vote in his Latin cabal and desired an alternate route to run drugs.

This perfectly legal and necessary action (there is no Constitutional provision to remove a sitting president) caused huffing and puffing around the globe. The huffing was most pronounced in Turtle Bay as unctuous UN officials denounced it as a coup and demanded that Zelaya be retuned to office. Most reasonable persons thought this odd as the presidency instantly passed to Micheletti by constitutional mandate. After even the most inept coup, the military is ALWAYS in charge.

Click on the title to read the rest...

I wonder if Obama will try the same thing. President for life - yikes! I would rather we limit them all to one term.


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