Thursday, May 20, 2010

Women and Minorities: Just CORE's Consorts!

Dr. Jon Pahl is standing by his anti-CORE screed....apparently someone has pointed out to him that there are quite a few members of CORE who are not white, or matter. They are just the white males' consorts!

The movement is led (largely) by white males (and their consorts) frightened of losing privilege,

Click on the title to check it out!

The title makes me giggle..."When a Theologian Enters the Fray!" Um, there have been theologians involved in this discussion for quite some time. I guess this one is more credible because he is willing to demonize his opponents....



Lee said...

Quite frankly, I am sick of the whole lot on both sides, or all sides, or whatever sides these of the church are taking these days. The extremes on both sides puffing themselves up as the oppressed and faithful remnant of true faith is sickening. Let's but Benne and Pahl on a deserted island and make them listen to each other's self-righteous rantings.

Tony said...


Lovin' the last paragraph.