Thursday, May 20, 2010

Y'all Do Know You Won, Don't You?

I wasn't going to post this because, frankly, I have trouble getting through it without my eyes freezing crossed.....

Here is an excerpt, and you know you can click on the title for the entire article:

All in all, the core of Lutheran CORE is rotten. One can get more than a whiff of Docetism, Donatism, and Pelagianism — heresies all — in the doctrinal formulations of the various groups represented in the coalition. Lutheran CORE represents, in its demographic and historical contours, a largely white, heterosexual, male backlash against the supposedly evil changes in gender roles, sexual mores, and participatory democracy that marked the 1960s. At the same time, the leaders of the movement also ironically embrace many of the least savory aspects of the sixties rhetoric of adolescent resentment and entitlement. Most fundamentally, the leaders of Lutheran CORE have come to the brink of dividing the church in an attempt to hold onto (or to carve out) some power. (Jon Pahl, PhD)

Unfortunately this mean-spirited screed is making the rounds on the Lutheran blogs and message boards, so I thought I would at least call it to your attention. What I don't understand about Dr. Pahl's supposedly scholarly article is why he felt a need to write it and why the Journal of Lutheran Ethics thought that this article would contribute positively to the conversation. Y'all won, folks! You got what you wanted! There is no reason to keep discussing it, because, despite the wishes of some in the ELCA, the changes have little to no chance of being rolled back. The people who would push for that are leaving - the ELCA is yours to do with as you wish! Be as progressive as you want to be. There are not enough traditionalists left to stop you!

Yet, the FL/Bahamas synod council felt a need to bring a resolution to the floor of their recent assembly praising the Church Council of the ELCA for its work and encouraging it to "stay the course." And Dr. Pahl takes members and supporters of Lutheran CORE to task for not simply accepting the decision of a very politicized CWA in 2009. Is this rubbing salt in the wounds, or what? Many of us feel that we have lost our church - could we ask for a little compassion - a little patience? Many of the revisionists say they want the traditionalists to stay, but things like this convince me of the opposite. In fact, it makes me want to ask, are the traditionalists not getting out fast enough to suit you?

You won. You got the church you want. Now let people go do what they need to do.


Tony said...

But they have not won, really, which is the reason they keep having to rally the troops. Oh, sure, they succeeded in passing the pieces they sought last summer, but Hitler won the Battle of France 1940 too.

These decisions did not kill the ELCA; but post-denominational trends were going to anyway. These will hasten its demise. Of course, since most congregations fail to follow their constitutions and cleanse their roles of no-longer-members, those numbers are years from being reported. More quickly will be the ongoing slow death of synod staffs, small congregations and churchwide office staff positions.

So sad, and so unnecessary.

Matt said...

Ya know, If I had read this only a month ago I would have disagreed and called you a coward, but after having gone to the SC synod assembly I totally agree with you. The ELCA is apostate and the believers need to leave.