Sunday, November 20, 2005

Shellfish is back!

Shellfish is a blog that did a great job of covering ELCA issues leading up to the Churchwide Assembly. It was supposed to end after the convention, but has come back in response to the action of the Metro NY Synod. Here is an excerpt of shrimp's latest post:

".....When this was reported back to me, my immediate response was to say
that there is a single defining issue of our time as Church and this synod
official is on the wrong side of that issue. Let'’s be fair, the whole
stinking synod is on the wrong side of this issue. Oh sometimes we
almost vote to be faithful, but we never pull it off. No matter how
ridiculous the resolution might be, if the homosexual advocates back it, it
passes. Due to a whole constellation of events, there is only one issue
that the ELCA in this decade must be faithful in regard to: whether the
clear word of Scripture and tradition applies to the behavior of
homosexuals and lesbians, or whether we suspend the clear word of Scripture and tradition for them and them alone (others to follow) because they are
"victims”." Because this issue involves our obedience to the moral
teachings of Scripture and Tradition, it must not be let go of. It must stick
in our craw if we are to remain part of the one holy catholic and apostolic church."

Go on over for a visit to read the rest. Click on the title!


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