Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wow! What a Beautiful Launch!

We just got to see Discovery take off into the heavens!

It was the first night launch in a long time. We watched the local news station for the countdown and when it hit zero, we ran out into our front yard and watched the orange glow intensify over the roof across the street and then the ball of fire appeared! Woohoo! It was so cool! It was neat to hear the cheers and whoops from people all over the neighborhood who were doing just what we were.

There are some good things about living in Central Florida!


US Airways Did the Right Thing

But will we let our politically correct legal system force us to accept unacceptable behavior in our air travel system?

On a Wing and a Prayer

Grievance theater at Minneapolis International Airport.

BY DEBRA BURLINGAME Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Those are the words that started it all. Six bearded imams are said to have shouted them out while offering evening prayers as they and 141 other passengers waited at the gate for their flight out of Minneapolis International Airport. It was three days before Thanksgiving. Allahu Akbar: God is great.

Initial media reports of the incident did not include the disturbing details about what happened after they boarded US Airways flight 300, but the story quickly went national with provocative headlines: "Six Muslims Ejected from US Air Flight for Praying." Yes, they were praying--but let's be clear about this. The very last human sound on the cockpit voice recorder of United flight 93 before it screamed into the ground at 580 miles per hour is the sound of male voices shouting "Allahu Akbar" in a moment of religious ecstasy.

They, too, were praying. The passengers and crew of flight 93 lost their valiant fight to take back the plane just one hour and 20 minutes after it pushed back from the gate. Until the hijackers stormed the cockpit door, they were just a handful of Middle Eastern-looking men on their way to sunny California. So, yes, let's be exceedingly clear about the whole matter. Some 3,000 men, women and children are dead because the unassuming people on those airplanes did not look at them and see murderers. Or dangerous Arabs. Or fanatical Muslims. They saw a few guys in chinos.

Given that Islamic terrorists continue their obsession with turning airplanes into weapons of mass destruction, it is nothing short of obscene that these six religious leaders--fresh from attending a conference of the North American Imams Federation, featuring discussions on "Imams and Politics" and "Imams and the Media"--chose to turn that airport into a stage and that airplane into a prop in the service of their need for grievance theater. The reality is, these passengers endured a frightening 3 1/2-hour ordeal, which included a front-to-back sweep of the aircraft with a bomb-sniffing dog, in order to advance the provocative agenda of these imams in, of all the inappropriate places after 9/11, U.S. airports.

"Allahu Akbar" was just the opening act. After boarding, they did not take their assigned seats but dispersed to seats in the first row of first class, in the midcabin exit rows and in the rear--the exact configuration of the 9/11 execution teams. The head of the group, seated closest to the cockpit, and two others asked for a seatbelt extension, kept on board for obese people. A heavy metal buckle at the end of a long strap, it can easily be used as a lethal weapon. The three men rolled them up and placed them on the floor under their seats. And lest this entire incident be written off as simple cultural ignorance, a frightened Arabic-speaking passenger pulled aside a crew member and translated the imams' suspicious conversations, which included angry denunciations of Americans, furious grumblings about U.S. foreign policy, Osama Bin Laden and "killing Saddam."

Predictably, these imams and their attorneys now suggest that another passenger who penned a frantic note of warning and slipped it to a flight attendant was somehow a hysterical Islamophobe. Let us remember that but for their performance at the gate this passenger might never have noticed these men or their behavior on board, much less have the slightest clue as to their religion or political passions. Of course, that was the point of the shouting. According to the police report, yet another alarmed passenger who frequently travels to the Middle East described a conversation with one of the imams. The 31-year-old Egyptian expressed fundamentalist Muslim views, and stated the he would go to whatever measures necessary to obey all the tenets set out in the Koran.

Click on the title to read the rest.


If We Don't Learn the Lessons of History....

We Are Doomed to Repeat Them.

This columnist gets it. Will we? In time?

The West Can't Afford to Lose War with Islamicists

Sixty-six years ago, Nazi Germany had overrun almost all of Europe and practically hammered England to certain defeat. England held out for two years even with staggering shipping losses and the near decimation of its' Air Force in the Battle of Britain, but was saved because of the arrogance of Hitler and his advisors who thought the British were a relatively minor threat that could be dealt with later since England was on the verge of collapse by late summer of 1940.

America during this early period of time, and at the beginning of WWII, was in an isolationist, pacifist mood and wanted nothing to do with the war in Europe or Asia. However, on Dec. 7, 1941 the mood was changed and at that time we had few Allies when we entered the war, the same as we have today while engaged in Iraq. Germany and Japan had ideas of conquering America by first invading Canada and Mexico and once conquered, then invade America over the North and South borders, after they took complete control of Asia and Europe.

When the Japanese attacked and sank our battleships at Pearl Harbor we were ill prepared or equipped for war. Had it not been for Hitler's assumption that England was finished and diverted his attention to conquering Russia, we would not have had the two years we needed to gear up our reserves in order to counter attack Germany and Japan. I bring this up to illustrate that turning points in history are often dicey things. Today we are involved in another kind of war.

The terrorist and the militant Muslims, are basically Nazis. They believe that Islam, a radically, conservative (not liberal) form of Wahhabi Islam, should own and control the Middle East first, then Europe, then the world, and that all who do not bow to Allah should be killed, enslaved, or subjugated. They want to destroy Israel, purge the world of Jews, the same as Hitler wanted also. If the Wahhabis win and get control of the Middle East, OPEC oil, the United States, European and Asian economics, and the Techno Industrial economics, the world will be at the mercy of OPEC, not an OPEC dominated by the well educated and rational Saudis of today, but an OPEC dominated by the terrorist.

Click on the title to read the rest.

I understand not wanting to be at war or wanting to do a better job at fighting the war. However, if we bail on this war and let the Iraqis "settle it among themselves," we are going to have a much bigger problem on down the road. I fear that we don't have the stomach or the will to fight and win. Our enemies are not shackled by political correctness or even a concern for humanity. The Islamic radicals will kill us, our children, our grandchildren....barbarically (I wanted to say "if necessary," but that doesn't really fit here does it? There are those in the radical Islamic camp who enjoy killing barbarically. And video taping it and putting it on the internet.) I fear we will not wake up in time to prevent some serious world wide bloodshed.

I have come to believe this is the most serious political issue of our time. Why aren't our politicians concerned? Do they really think this won't affect us?


New ELCA Sexuality Study

The ELCA has its new sexuality study available online. Check it out by clicking on the title.

I don't see why we need to even do it! After all, this last paragraph seems to have already reached the conclusion:

In Galatians, the apostle Paul declares, "In Christ Jesus...the only thing that counts is faith working through love"(5:6). May this bold statement guide your reading and reflecting, your discernment and your deliberation, your listening to and speaking with one another.

So as long as we have faith and we do what we do in love, we can do what we want! Whoopee! (In my ethics class I have studied Joseph Fletcher's Situation Ethics. That is what situation ethics teaches - one ethic, the ethic of love. So we Lutherans are now situation ethicists, with faith thrown in.)

I wonder if this is what we will be teaching our kids in confirmation and youth group? That we can throw out the moral teaching of the Bible as long as what we are doing is loving?

Hmmm....I wonder if it is more loving to give our tithe to a bloated church bureaucracy or to organizations that are interested in teaching people about the transformational power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, that's right, we don't need to be transformed! We are ok just as we long as we are "loving."


OK, so I haven't actually read the whole study. I have read others' comments and I, sadly, formed an opinion as soon as I saw the title. I'll have to read it in bits and pieces. My church life is depressing enough right now without more evidence that the ELCA is charging headlong into complete antinomianism.

My friends at a local LCMS church tell us they are saving us a spot.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

This is not racial profiling....

Here is a good column about the removal of the Muslim imams from the US Airways flight earlier this month:

So tell me, my politically correct friends, what would you do?

You’re waiting to board an airplane and you spot six bearded Muslims - imams, as it turns out - in the concourse waiting to board with you. Three of them are praying loudly, shouting “Allah! Allah!” when you and your fellow passengers are called for boarding.

You, being a good liberal, think nothing of it.

According to the Washington Times, “Passengers and flight attendants told law enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.”

One air marshal told the Times: “They [the imams] now control all of the entry and exit routes to the plane. That would alarm me.”

But not you. You’re no bigot. You’re no profiler.

So what if three notably non-obese imams asked for seat belt extenders? So what if, despite being told there were no available seats in first class when asked for an upgrade, two of the imams were found sitting there when they were removed from the plane?

No matter. You’re with Mahdi Bray of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, who called removing the imams an act of racism and Islamophobia.

Alas, I’m not as “open-minded” as you. I will stick with the “Islamophobes” and wait for the next flight.

How much sympathy do I have for idiot imams in the post-9/11 world who feel the need to shout “Allah!” at the top of their lungs while boarding an airplane?

Slightly less than I feel for the drunken Yankees fan who wanders onto Yawkey Way screaming “The Red Sox can kiss my [muffled blows and sounds of broken glass]"

Click on the title to read the rest.

If that were to happen on a plane on which I was flying, I would be scared out of my wits.

I have to think that this is a scam to drum up sympathy for the poor, oppressed Muslims in America, but I am afraid that it will backfire on them. At least I hope it will! Enough of this using our own political correctness against us!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Maybe we should try this next at church....

Skyboxes, club cards woo 'church customers'

FRESNO — On Sunday morning at the 18,000-member Calvary Church, tithers flash green Costco-like cards at greeters, who let them in early and usher them to special seating areas. "The seats have more padding, and they recline," says tither Dan Phelps, kicking back before the sermon. "I feel a little guilty, but you can't knock the comfort."

Calvary is believed to be the first church in America to use membership cards to dole out privileges to certain members. First-time visitors are offered the best seats — plush recliners in the orchestra section — while non-tithing attendees carry orange membership cards and are forced to sit in hard, stadium-style seats on the mezzanine. "We give honor to whom honor is due," says pastor Jerald Dennis. "If you tithe or volunteer in some way, you deserve a special thank you."

Churches like his are drawing wealthier "church consumers" by promoting luxury and social stratification inside the sanctuary. As rich people attend, the theory goes, tithe revenues increase and the church better promotes the gospel. At Life Family Center in Abilene, Texas, members at all levels earn "reward points" similar to frequent flyer miles for tithing and attending. The points add up to free hotel stays, vacation packages and tickets to NASCAR events.

Ringing the church's cavernous sanctuary are private skyboxes where groups watch the service while enjoying hors d'oeuvres and deep leather chairs. Some pay only occasional attention to what takes place on the platform.

"We compete with professional sporting events, not other churches," says pastor Lovey Pederson. "I would rather people come here than a football stadium, so I offer bigger perks."

This year, at least a dozen more mega-churches will introduce some form of "club card." "The credit card commercial said it best: 'Membership has its privileges,'" says Pederson. •

Click on the title!


(yes, it's satire.)

Snow - no way!

WESH channel 2 just reported that we have had snow mixed with freezing rain just north of here in Volusia and Seminole County! We have not seen snow in Central FL since Christmas 1989.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Rape of Europe

Interesting article on the ongoing Islamification of Europe. I have never felt any great drive to visit Europe; I am not against it, I just figured I would get around to it someday. I guess if I want to go, I should go soon. Here is an excerpt:

“If faith collapses, civilization goes with it,” says Bethell. That is the real cause of the closing of civilization in Europe. Islamization is simply the consequence. The very word Islam means “submission” and the secularists have submitted already. Many Europeans have already become Muslims, though they do not realize it or do not want to admit it.

Click on the title to read the article.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Our World is a Lot Less Safe

Not necessarily because of who is now in charge, but because we have shown a lack of resolve. Melanie Phillips puts it well:

I am currently in America. The Republicans I have been meeting are remarkably upbeat about the Democrat victory in the mid-term elections. Partly, this is because they are so disenchanted with President Bush who they think has long lost the plot. Partly it’s because at this stage in the electoral cycle the President – whoever he is – has generally run out of steam anyway. But mainly it’s because they have a win-win view of the Democrats’ dilemma. Either, the Republicans think, the hard realities of coping with defending the country against terrorism at home and facing up to the terrible consequences of defeat in Iraq will force the Democrats into largely following the Bush agenda – thus in all likelihood tearing themselves apart in the process; or the reality-challenged wing of the Democratic party will be dominant and proceed to open the country’s borders, go soft on terror and wave the white flag in Iraq – in which case they will lose the Presidential election hands down.

Hmmn. I think something different: that the most likely outcome of these mid-term elections is another major terror attack on America. Whatever the smart analysis of the likely shape of domestic American politics over the next two years, America signaledignalled a faltering of resolve; and thatÂ’s the cue for a redoubled Islamist attack.

Click on the title for the rest of the article.

I don't think an attack is coming tomorrow. Our Islamic foes are very patient. I do think we can expect an attack in the next two years, perhaps in time to influence the 2008 election. This tactic worked for the Islamists before, in Spain. They toppled the ruling party in Spain with their attack.

We cannot show that we are not willing to fight, that we are not willing to see this through. If we do, the world that we leave our children will be very different from the world we have been able to enjoy.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Bottom Line

This guy says it much better than I can:

We Did Not Just Lose Our Majority, We Lost Our Way

by Rep. Mike Pence

Posted Nov 08, 2006

Election Day 2006 will be remembered as a turning point in American political history. Twenty-five years after the Reagan Administration came to Washington with a conservative agenda of limited government, the American people chose a different course.

It is the duty of the losing party in a free election to humbly accept defeat and to acknowledge that the people are sovereign in the People's House.

As we examine the results of this election, it is imperative that we listen to the American people and learn the right lessons.

Some will argue that we lost our majority because of scandals at home and challenges abroad. I say, we did not just lose our majority, we lost our way.

While the scandals of the 109th Congress harmed our cause, the greatest scandal in Washington, D.C. is runaway federal spending.

After 1994, we were a majority committed to balanced federal budgets, entitlement reform and advancing the principles of limited government. In recent years, our majority voted to expand the federal government's role in education, entitlements and pursued spending policies that created record deficits and national debt.

This was not in the Contract with America and Republican voters said, “enough is enough.”

Our opponents will say that the American people rejected our Republican vision. I say the American people didn't quit on the Contract with America, we did. And in so doing, we severed the bonds of trust between our party and millions of our most ardent supporters.

As the 110th Congress convenes next year, Republicans must cordially accept defeat and dedicate ourselves to advancing our cause as the loyal opposition knowing that the only way to retake our natural, governing majority, is to renew our commitment to limited government, national defense, traditional values and reform.

Click on the title to go to the article.

The best thing about this is that we all know that the Democrats will jump right in there trying to advance their socialist agenda and that will hopefully wake up the Republicans to do what they need to do to get back on a conservative, limited government track.



The Republicans got what they had coming....

At least the Europeans are happy with the election.

And the Islamic terror states....


Monday, October 23, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

New ELCA Hymnal Contains More than Favorite Hymns

For what it's worth:

New ELCA hymnal contains more than 'favorite hymns'

by Gracia Grindal

The new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America hymnal,"Evangelical Lutheran Worship" is appearing from the publisher as I write. It is being sold with great hoopla throughout the denomination. People who think a hymnal contains only hymns will look first to see if it includes their favorite hymns and they probably will not be disappointed. It will include favorite gospel hymns long banned from traditional Lutheran hymnals, fewer old classic German chorales and lots of songs from around the world, especially the southern hemisphere, with few new ones from the north, where Scandinavian Lutherans, especially, have been in the midst of a hymn explosion for the past 40 years.

There will be many Eucharistic hymns that reflect the theology of the Lord's Supper ruling today: that worship is the people's time to give thanks to God and celebrate unity and community with each other. No longer is the Supper chiefly about the forgiveness of sins. Most people, however, will only look for their favorite hymns and miss that a "hymnal" today is much more than the old black or blue hymnal of their childhoods.

I suspect that the ELCA committee that formed this new resource was much less interested in the hymns than in the worship services it prepared. My guess is that the committee is hoping that while people like these popular hymns, they will begin to use the new liturgies and continue to be shaped away from the classic Lutheran theology of the worship service as proclamation, a time where God speaks directly to us. The Sunday morning service is one of the few places in our lives where we know that we are receiving the one true God, as Christ has promised,"Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am also." This is being changed by the romantic work of Gregory Dix, an early voice in the ecumenical/liturgical movement, whose book, "The Shape of the Liturgy,"continues, after 60 years, to beguile those who write these new liturgies for us.

One of the old rules often cited by this movement is that the way we pray will, after some time, become the way we believe--lex orandi, lex credendi. It has already happened with many of our fellow Lutherans. They are beginning to think a service is not complete without the sacrament of the altar which they are being taught is the highest way to receive the Word of God. Luther argued against this notion at every opportunity, noting frequently that the highest work of the pastor was preaching rather than prating and mumbling through the Mass.

Ever since we knew this ELCA book was going to appear, many of us have tried, but not succeeded in convincing faithful Lutherans that because of the inevitable truth of the rule lex orandi, lex credendi and the "mischief" of the liturgical "experts" who were writing the new worship resources for the ELCA, we needed to provide another,alternate evangelical Lutheran resource for our people for their daily devotional lives and Sunday services. Since most Lutherans think of a hymnal as simply a collection of hymns to be sung on Sunday morning, with some liturgical pieces written in either traditional or contemporary music, they are defenseless against this ecumenical/liturgical movement. Now that the new book is out, I fear, the same opinion will allow this new book to erode the confessional foundations of our tradition. People will talk about liking or not liking liturgy, they will define themselves as Lutherans because they like liturgy, which is usually about whether or not they like the music, without looking carefully to see what kind of words and actions the new liturgies are beguiling them to perform. It is the words that need the most careful perusal.

You will be able to tell if the new ELCA hymnal(Evangelical Lutheran Worship) is evangelical by asking yourselves a few questions as you look at it. It will contain new emphases on the "work of the people"--away from the centrality of Scripture and the work of the Word in its new services. I believe the funeral service has strayed from Scripture to put more emphasis on the deceased especially in the prayers that God receive the dead. This is a subtle movement toward the Requiem Mass of the medieval church.

Do ELW worship settings offer the elements as a sacrifice to God with the words of institution inside a Eucharist prayer? If they do, they are not in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions. The words of institution must be free-standing proclamations. Do the hymns focus on telling God what we are doing in the service--walking up to the altar, celebrating community? Do they urge us to social action? Lutheran hymns usually have been about proclaiming to the congregation the marvelous deeds of our Lord.

Are the texts of the Psalms changed so as not to offend the ears of the politically correct? Sit with a version of the Bible you know and compare it carefully with the version in the new ELCA hymnal. Have the pronouns referring to God been changed, from the original "he" in the Hebrew, to"you" in order to avoid "he," the third person pronoun for God? One can see it in ELW\'s Psalm 95 that has changed the great line in verse 5: "The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands have molded the dry lands" to "The sea is yours, for you made it, and your hands have molded the dry land."This change is a serious matter for a movement that believes in sola scriptura (Word alone). Should we allow the Word to be mistranslated in order to be politically correct?

Look at some of your favorite hymns and compare the texts carefully with an older hymnal, especially as regards the language referring to God with a masculine pronoun. Here is an example in the great Lutheran hymn, "If You but Trust in God to Guide You," from the second line in the first stanza, "If you but trust in God to guide you/and place your confidence in him" has been changed to "If you but trust in God to guide you/with gentle hand through all your ways." There is no "hand" in the original German. The second line in the original German is "und hoffet auf ihmallezeit." My literal translation would be, "And hopes in him through all times."

Those of you who can influence your congregations should be going to council meetings and annual meetings armed to argue against the ELW and, we would hope, for what the independent ReClaim hymnal committee has done and is doing to develop a new resource for you that will be evangelically sound and available to those of the 21st century eager to access the correct Lutheran theological understandings of the Confessions for today.

Here's what you can do right now to support our efforts: Get your congregation to serve as a test site for the ReClaim Introductory Edition and upcoming settings; buy theReClaim Introductory Edition at; buy copies for your family as well as for your children and their children for daily use in the home. With its 47 favorite hymns, which I believe every family should know, alongside Luther's Small Catechism this new resource will teach the faith as it has been taught for centuries. Check the ReClaim website for study resources, including a 12-minute DVD touching on the basic issues.


Do you watch Dr. Phil?

Ok, so I am only hearing this second hand, through one of my homeschooling lists, but his show sounds like Jerry Springer (I have been corrected...he is not like Jerry Springer). I don't even watch Oprah, so I am ignorant about what happens on those shows. A local homeschooler got invited to be on Dr. Phil's show to talk about homeschooling and it was an awful experience (my hubby said from the start that it was a set up. We have experience in how the media covers homeschooling.) I think the show is going to be aired on Oct. 27. Here is what she is doing locally for damage control:

The Great School Debacle: Learn the Truth behind what you will see next week on The Dr. Phil TV show entitled, "The Great School Debate."

CarrieLynn, an Orlando, FL resident and veteran Home Educator, was on the Dr. Phil Show and shares her opinions with the Home School Community:

"The Dr. Phil Show CREATES CONFUSION and FEEDS FEAR with this upcoming show featuring sensationalized segments highlighting problems with home school and public school, and worse yet, offers no hopeful alternatives."

a.. Get answers to many questions posed by Dr. Phil regarding the "legitimacy of learning" through home education. (He posed 3x as many questions as he allowed answered!)

b.. Veteran Home Educators speak candidly about the changing landscape of Home School, and how we can champion those changes despite the bad press like the upcoming Dr. Phil Show.

c.. Listen to a passionate Home School Dad talk about his discovery of "The Gift" of home education, after years of passively and actively opposing his wife's decision to home school their children.

d.. Hear the life changing journey of Jamie, as she describes her "magical years" as a Home School student . She was in the public school system until the 5th grade and then home schooled until college; where she is now studying to become a nurse. (Jamie will be speaking in rebuttal to the 26 year old woman who appears on the Dr. Phil show claiming that she has not been able to attend college and is a "Social Retard" because her parents home schooled her.)

e.. Bring your questions! We will have a diverse group of Veteran Home Educators available to answer ALL YOUR QUESTIONS at the end of the presentation.

f.. Receive a comprehensive list of area Home School Support Groups.

g.. Our Aim: You will leave ready to move deeper into your home school journey with confidence, that you are more than able to educate your child; delightfully refreshed as you listen to the stories of fellow home educators detailing their latest triumph in the face of adversity; and hopefully inspired as you come to understand how much support you really have in this community!

Do you know someone who is considering Home School for their child's education? Invite them along! This presentation will focus on the "best of" Home Education. Please feel free to forward this invitation.

Location and Time is as follows:

Please join us for an informational meeting about the upcoming Dr. Phil Show, "The Great School Debate" which airs October 27.

Downtown Library -- Albertson Room --Thursday October 26th TIME: 2:45p to 4:00p.

The presentation will begin promptly at 3:00p. Families are welcome. You might want to bring playthings for the little ones who will most assuredly tire of our ramblings before the hour is up!

***There will be absolutely nothing for sale at this presentation. Solicitation of any kind is prohibited during this event.

***Please direct questions & comments to


Thursday, October 19, 2006

More from the Religion of Peace

Abdul Rahman is a Christian convert who fled Afghanistan and landed in Italy. The reason he could not stay in Afghanistan is because the penalty in Islam for converting to another religion is death. Islamic mobs were demanding his death. But his escape to Italy has not settled things for the true believers. They have kidnapped an Italian journalist and are demanding Rahman in exchange for the journalist's life.

Folks, these people are living in the dark ages and our political correctness and our desire to be loving and tolerant is going to be our undoing.

To read more on this story, check out Michelle Malkin's blog by clicking on the title.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ping (golf) says no to military discounts

I know next to nothing about golf, but this is an amazing story. The article is from the Augusta Chronicle, but I could not get my link to work.

Ping cancels accounts with local golf stores
By David Westin Staff Writer
Thursday, September 28, 2006

A prominent golf equipment company's stance against retailers discounting its products has angered two area golf shops that give military customers a break.

Because of the military discounts, Bonaventure Discount Golf in Augusta and Gordon Lakes Golf Course on Fort Gordon no longer receive Ping products. And even if they could, they would refuse to sell them now.

Karsten Manufacturing Corp. of Phoenix, Ariz., which has a registered trademark on the Ping brand, discontinued its Bonaventure and Gordon Lakes accounts in August. In a letter to the shops, Ping said Bonaventure and Gordon Lakes discounted Ping clubs below Ping's "Improved Fitting, Internet Transactions and Price Policy."

Both shops give 10 percent discounts to military members on all purchases. Gordon Lakes does it for active and retired servicemen; Bonaventure gives the discount for active servicemen.

Bonaventure owner L.D.Waters received his closure of account letter Aug. 7. Gordon Lakes head pro Bill Fumai got his letter Aug. 22. Bonaventure does more than $5 million in business a year, Mr. Waters said.

"They cut off Bonaventure? That's huge," Mr. Fumai said. "If they cut off Bonaventure, they probably cut off a lot of shops. It must be nice to be in the position to cut off your customers."

Mr. Waters, a 77-year-old former Marine who served in World War II and the Korean War, started giving the military discount about a year ago when he noticed servicemen in his shop who were being deployed to Iraq.

"I'm doing it for those boys putting their lives on the line," Mr. Waters said. "I know they don't get paid enough." "That's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life, especially now," Mr. Waters said of Ping's policy. "It just burns me up that they won't allow the military to get a 10 percent discount."

Gordon Lakes, whose membership is 98 percent military, has always given discounts to active and retired military members, Mr. Fumai said.

Bonaventure and Gordon Lakes didn't hide the fact that they gave discounts to the military. However, along with their closure of account letters, Ping enclosed a receipt from a customer at each shop who received the military discount. That led to the cancellation of their Ping accounts.
"It's like the gestapo is back; they're checking receipts to see what we sell it at," Mr. Fumai said.

In Augusta, where so many active and retired servicemen reside because of the proximity to Fort Gordon, Ping's move has struck a nerve. "I've been doing this for 30 years, and this is the first time I've seen a company do this," Mr. Fumai said. "Why do they care?"

"It's something we put in place to protect our brand," said Bill Gates, Ping's director of distribution and associate general counsel. According to Mr. Gates, no exceptions can be made when it comes to shops selling their clubs under the suggested price listed in their agreement (there is no contract).

"It's something we apply to all of our accounts consistently, and we don't have exceptions to it," Mr. Gates said. "We don't sell direct to the public; we sell to retailers, and we do have certain policies in place with them. Those policies are confidential between us and the account."

Mr. Gates did say that once a retailer buys Ping products, they own them, but must abide by their unwritten agreement with Ping.

If Mr. Waters and Gordon Lakes have been discounting Ping clubs to the military, why have they been cut off now, and both within 15 days of each other?

"It's something that's been in place for several years," Mr. Gates said of the no-discount rule.
"They have had it for years, but didn't pay attention to it because their business has been off," said Mr. Waters, who believes Ping is now enforcing the rule because "they've been hot the last few years."

Mr. Gates pointed out that Ping has more than 1,000 employees and has maintained its operation in the United States while other golf companies have moved overseas, where labor is cheaper. "We think it is very important to employ Americans," Mr. Gates said.

None of that soothed Mr. Waters or Mr. Fumai, who believe an exception should be made that allows discounts for those with military ties. Mr. Fumai was so angered when he got the letter from Ping that he took the "$3,000 to $4,000" worth of Ping merchandise in his shop and marked it down 50 percent. "I sold it all," he said.

Mr. Fumai said when customers ask him about why he doesn't have Ping merchandise, "I tell them the story.

"They are shocked that they can tell us what price to sell to soldiers. That's terrible," he said.
When Gordon Lakes was cut off by Ping, Mr. Fumai called Bill Sport, the golf program manager for Army Sports. "He said over half of the 63 military golf courses have been cut off," Mr. Fumai said.

Said Mr. Gates: "I understand the desire of Mr. Waters and the pride they (Bonaventure and Gordon Lakes Golf Course) have in being associated with the military, absolutely. Ping has the upmost respect for the people in uniform and all the sacrifices they make and their families make. This is not about any particular group."

Mr. Waters, who says he has about $100,000 in Ping inventory, plans to have a sale soon.
"I'm going to sell it close to cost," he said. "I'm going to unload them just to get the name out of here. I'm going to sell it until it's gone."

In Ping's account closure letter to Gordon Lakes, the company wrote that the account "may or may not be reopened in a year," Mr. Fumai said.

Mr. Fumai's not interested, and neither is Mr. Waters. "If they're going to dictate what I sell to servicemen, to heck with them. I don't need them," Mr. Fumai said.

"I don't want to be put back on because I wouldn't have the product," Mr. Waters said. It ends a 48-year relationship that Mr. Waters has had with Ping, which was founded by Karsten Solheim in 1962. Mr. Solheim died in 2000.

"Old man (Karsten) Solheim used to come in a store I had with my brother in Savannah in 1958," Mr. Waters said. "I've been doing business with Ping since Ping went into business."

Reach David Westin at (706) 724-0851 or

PING'S LETTER Excerpts from the letter Bonaventure Golf received from Bill Gates, PING's director of distribution and associate general counsel:

"Please do not call your field representative regarding the following ... When PING adopted the iFIT Pricing Policy, it unilaterally decided to close accounts that sell a PING product for less than its Blue Column Price. As a result, Account Number 16906 is closed effective immediately. ... Thank you for the time and effort you spent promoting the PING brand. We wish you the best in your future efforts promoting the game of golf."

From the Thursday, September 28, 2006 edition of the Augusta Chronicle

Share this with your golfer friends, if you would, please.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Evangelical Lutheran Worship - It's almost here!

ALPB has reviews and comments on the new ELW hymnal that will soon be released. I did find one poster's comment that "masculine references have been mysteriously raptured" quite humorous. I find the fact that some of us are going to be forced to use this resource and are even being condemned for not buying or donating a copy to be rather sad.

Click on the title for lots of info!


Would You Wear One of These?

Click on the title to see a t-shirt Michelle Malkin is marketing. It says "I will not submit," in Arabic. My husband suggested that it would be like wearing a target. What would you do? Would you wear one?

----Katie is talk like a pirate day.

Who knew?

(Click on the title.)

arrgh.....Now that Disney pirate song is going through my head! It's a pirate's life for me!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I had no idea this was a problem...

HEDGEHOGS have finally humbled burger giant McDonald's after years of campaigning, forcing the company to redesign its killer McFlurry ice-cream containers.

Up to now the opening in the container has been large enough for hedgehogs to get their heads into for a lick of the left-over dessert – a trap they have then been unable to withdraw from, so dying of starvation in untold numbers.


This is in an Australian paper, so I am assuming this is not much of a problem in the US. Interesting, though....hedgehogs are so cute!

Click on the title for the rest of the article and for more, um, odd news. I guess it could be satire.


Don't Tell Me Islam is a Religion of Peace

The evidence just does not support it.

September 8 (Compass Direct News) – A pastor and his wife living in Aceh province, Indonesia, have gone into hiding after a Muslim mob set fire to a church building following a revival service on September 1.

Several weeks ago, Pastor Luther Saragih of a congregation called Siompin, an Indonesia Evangelical Mission Church, distributed letters to several villages in Aceh Singkil inviting Christians to a revival service.

A Muslim resident somehow received a copy of the letter and edited it, making it appear that Muslims were invited to the service. He then distributed his own version of the letter to 3,000 Muslims. According to one local source, the police knew this was happening but made no attempt to restrain this man.

Click on the title to read the rest.


Friday, September 08, 2006

An Ethos of Baptism

An ethos of baptism

by Dennis Bielfeldt

Professor of Philosophy and Religion at South Dakota State University

One can't really be against mom and apple pie. It'sun-American. Anyone against these cannot be one of us. We don't want anyone to challenge our deepest sentiments. What kind of person could be against mom or apple pie?

My words today might put me in the same position as one who comes out against dear old mom, for I want today to talk about baptism, the apple pie of Lutheranism -- especially within the ELCA. No Lutheran Christian could be against baptism, could he? Apple pie is to American sentimentalism as baptism is to its ecclesiastical counterpart.

Lest my readers flee in horror, I want to say at the outset that it is not the classical Lutheran theology of baptism that I am against, but rather a definite ethos of baptism that has developed within the ELCA. I am against the shared set of values and assumptions about baptism now operating within the power structures of the ELCA. I am against the way baptism now functions for us as a people. I am against the implicit meaning that it has developed in the context of our life together.

I have grown increasingly uncomfortable with the way in which baptismal theology is used in the ELCA. My discomfort is due to the fact that baptism has become entirely too comfortable. This original act that separated Christians from others, often at considerable discomfort, has become, for our tribe, an act of social cohesion offering substantial comfort. Almost every Lutheran has it done early in life, and once done, it brings significant rights and privileges within the ELCA. It is the initiating ritual of our tribe granting to us a unity together.

Increasingly, within the ELCA, the theology of baptism has been replaced by a sociology of baptism. What is important is inclusion within the tribe and validation of all of its voices. Baptism is the initiating ritual into a tribe which has become increasingly comfortable before its god.

In Revelation 3, the church of Laodicea hear these words: ". . . You are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth. For you say, 'I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing.' You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked."

We must face the facts: many churches within the ELCA, and the ELCA itself, have become lukewarm. Being neither cold nor hot, the ELCA has been assimilated well into contemporary American society. People in ELCA pews voice similar sets of values as those sitting in other pews, or those not sitting in pews at all. We saw this in 2005 at the churchwide assembly in Orlando on the sexuality vote, the percentages of which closely paralleled American public opinion.

The ELCA is comfortable in America. While ELCA numbers are dwindling, ELCA giving is increasing. Its leaders voice reasonable concerns within the public arena about war and peace, poverty, racism, sexism and the social ills of contemporary American society. By voicing what is reasonable, the ELCA lives quite comfortably within mainstream America. (I assume that one can be either liberal or conservative and still be reasonable, that he still can voice the conventional wisdom of his political convictions, and still be mainstream.) Many ELCA members belong to their church like they belong to the Rotary Club.They come when it is convenient, and they try, when present, to muster some concern for service to the community and world. They assume that as long as one does not become too fanatical about religious things, the church can be a good and useful social institution.

In this context of Lutheran lethargy, baptismal theology becomes a tool of comfort. One is baptized into the ELCA, and one's values and opinions now count theologically by virtue of that baptism. For instance, in "Journeying Together Faithfully," the ELCA study on sexuality published in January 2005, it seemed that each voice in the conversation was to have equal authority on what the Christian tradition holds, or ought to hold, about the virtues and vices of homosexuality simply on the basis that each voice was a baptized voice. As the preaching of the law dwindles in ELCA pulpits, the church of the "baptized" is lifted up as "people of God." The fact of baptism has made us part of this people, and we can be buoyed before the Eternal because of it, right?

"But what can be wrong with that?" you say. "Luther was buoyed before the Eternal on the basis of his baptism. Did he not retreat to his bedroom in bouts of temptation, repeating the mantra 'I am baptized, I am baptized'? Surely, baptism is something objectively given, something that breaks through all of our subjective barriers. Why, you really are against mom and apple pie, Bielfeldt!"

But Luther strongly criticized an ex opera operatum view of the sacraments. This Latin phrase means "having been worked by the work." Luther was against any mechanical view of the sacraments that claimed that simply by performing an external work, something objective happens.

Simply put, Luther fought against any magical view of the sacraments, any view of them that would downplay the human involvement of faith in their doing. Luther was so averse to an ex opere operatum view of baptism, that he even floated the idea of infant faith. Even for children nothing external avails, if it is disconnected from living faith.

Unfortunately, when we talk about faith today in the church, people get very uncomfortable. While baptism isinclusive, faith is not so. While we can languish in the security that all of us are baptized, it is decidedly uncomfortable to realize that God does not bestow faith on everyone. There is nothing democratic about faith. It is never lukewarm, but is always hot. Its exclusivity makes it permanently out of political favor. Moreover, it is often hidden. We can see and hear the baptized, but we cannot do so with the faithful.

The entire WordAlone criticism of the ELCA comes down to this: Lutherans should again solidly emphasize faith and the considerable discomfort and tension it produces. Lutherans should not find their security under the sacred canopy of human ecclesial structure and community, but rather in the divinely-wrought gift of a faith, neither deserved nor earned. Put faith at the center of Christian life, and all the ecclesiological externals will find their proper place. Displace it, however, and the externals will move to the center, and we will dream that we are comforted before the Eternal on the basis of a human work, no matter how "ecclesial" is its origination.

While baptism is like apple pie, faith is the meat and potatoes of Christian life. Any comfortable church must listen again to the words of Luther on faith: "Faith is God's work in us that changes us and gives new birth from God. (John 1:13). It kills the Old Adam and makes us completely different people. It changes our hearts, our spirits, our thoughts and all our powers. It brings the Holy Spirit with it. Yes, it is a living, creative, active and powerful thing, this faith." Simply put, faith kills the relentless human endeavor to secure rights before God.

So let us not be misled by the sirens of inclusivity and languish neither cold nor hot under skies that appear friendly. Rather, let us recall again our plight before the Eternal. "By grace we are saved through faith, and not of ourselves -- lest anyone should boast." (Eph. 2:8)


ABC marks 50th anniversary of 9/11

(2051-09-11). As part of the nation’s month-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, ABC television tonight will show an educational drama called ‘The Path from 9/11‘.

The docudrama recounts the initial resistance to global jihad mounted by the infidels of the former United States of America in the immediate aftermath of the great martyrdom operation.

But then the tide turns in favor of the budding Islamic caliphate (Allah be praised!). As memories of the 2001 attacks fade, world opinion turns against the Great Satan. Then the Great Satan turns on itself, consumed from within by a toxic combination of political ambition and cowardice masquerading as tolerance.

The Path from 9/11: A Triumph of the Will illustrates the righteousness of Usama Bin Laden’s cause, and how his unswerving commitment to jihad ensured the establishment of our glorious global Caliphate, upon which today the sun never sets.

The program begins tonight at 7 p.m., right after Chief Justice al-Zawahiri leads Sunset Prayer Live from the National Mosque and just before a very special episode of American Idol.

The Path from 9/11, includes a scholastic study guide for boys, and is required viewing for all subjects of the Islamic Republic of America.

Advanced overnight ratings indicate the show will notch a 100 share and shall win its timeslot.

Click on the title!


Sunday, September 03, 2006

No more Crocodile Hunter

I would be very happy to find that this report is a hoax. It appears that Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, has died from a stingray barb to the chest. I am so sad.


Thursday, August 31, 2006

Separation of School and State

I am a member of the Alliance for Separation of School and State. Their main position is that it is bad for our children and the quality of their education for the government to be in control of the educational system. In January ABC aired an episode of 20/20 called "Stupid in America," hosted by John Stossel, which made a very good case for getting government out of the education business. It will air again on Friday night. Here is the letter the Alliance sent me:

You may remember back in January that ABC News aired a special program of 20/20 with John Stossel called “Stupid in America.” It tore back the curtain of public school to graphically reveal a few of it’s disastrous failings.

The network has decided to rebroadcast that show on Friday, September 1 at 10:00 PM Eastern & Pacific. - FOR MOST OF YOU, THAT’S TOMORROW! -

If you missed it before, please tune in. This is one of the truly great critiques of government involvement in school, because it uses the visual media so effectively.

If you saw it, I don’t need to tell you it was effective. I just need to remind you to grab a friend by the arm and get them to see it too. And while their confidence is melting, why don’t you send them right over to our new web site:

Questions are sure to follow such an exposé. The Alliance’s web site is just the place to look for practical insights and the deep answers that get behind the issues

One important note: While John Stossel does a masterful job exposing the problem, the Alliance does not agree with a solution that leaves the government in charge of the flow of money. Even his carefully selected example of Belgium is buckling to government control over private schools because the government still handles the money.

Alan Schaeffer President

So tune in, tell your friends, tape it....our educational system needs our help.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

No wonder they despise Bush.

I would too if I believed this crazy stuff.

The Truth Behind 9/11

DID THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION covertly blow-up the World Trade Center, ignite the Pentagon, and shoot down United Flight 93 to pave the way for a new American empire? The answer is "yes," according to a new book printed by the official publishing house of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and written by a theologian at a United Methodist seminary.

Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11, published by Westminster John Knox Press, is fairly succinct in its conspiracy theory. In fact, only the first half of the book is devoted to dissecting the conspiracy, the facts being so obvious that elaboration is hardly required. The second half is focused on the theological implications of America as empire, and why Christians should stand against it.

Click on the title to read the entire article.

It really pains me that so many people believe this stuff and teach it. That is true slander and violates the commandment against bearing false witness. How can anyone spread this kind of information with the absolute lack of proof that exists? I am not a huge fan of the Bush administration (not conservative enough about the right things to suit me) but I absolutely do not believe they could be so evil as to do what this supposedly Christian author suggests.


Monday, August 21, 2006

My dirty little secret....

is that I am not a great believer in the so-called war on drugs. I don't think most of us realize how much this infringes on our freedoms. Do you think your property belongs to you? Just try carrying large amounts of cash somewhere. Check out this article:

Court rules 2003 money seizure correct despite no drugs found


Associated Press

OMAHA, Neb. - Authorities were correct to assume nearly $125,000 they seized from a California man's car during a traffic stop may have been connected to narcotics trafficking, despite finding no drugs in the vehicle, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday.

The ruling from the three-judge panel overturned an earlier decision by U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Thalken in Nebraska in the case of Emiliano Gomez Gonzolez. A state trooper stopped Gonzolez for speeding on Interstate 80 on May 28, 2003.

Gonzolez's lawyer, Donald Yates of San Diego, said they would appeal the ruling. He said the government is treating unfairly people who don't have credit or bank accounts and are forced to do business in cash.

Click on the title to read the entire article.

The gist is that the government cannot prove that the men did anything illegal, but the government gets to keep the money. And, by the way, a lot of our currency has traces of narcotics on it. Do you think the government will try any harder to help you keep your possessions? Did you know you could lose your house if your kids deal drugs out of it, even without your knowledge? What other freedoms do we give up because we want to keep people from getting illegal drugs?


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Let's see if they mean what they say....


August 8, 2006

Dear Rostered Colleagues of the Southeastern Synod,

After a lengthy process of prayerful discernment, today I filed charges against The Rev. Bradley E. Schmeling, presently serving as pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Atlanta, GA. Pastor Schmeling has admitted to me that he is in violation of ELCA "Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline..." for ordained ministers. Specifically, Pastor Schmeling disclosed to me that he is in a sexual relationship with an adult male. He has declined my requests for his resignations from his call to St. John's Lutheran Church and the ELCA clergy roster.

When a synod bishop files charges against a pastor, the action begins the church's formal process which leads to a hearing by a Discipline Hearing Committee (DHC). The DHC receives evidence, listens to witnesses and eventually determines what actions should be taken. For example, if a DHC finds that a pastor is not in compliance with ELCA "Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline...," the committee has the authority to remove a pastor from the ELCA roster for ordained ministers.

For more detailed information, see Chapter 20 of the ELCA Constitution (

An ELCA bishop does not have the authority to unilaterally remove any ELCA pastor from the ELCA roster. For this reason, it is necessary to submit this matter to the ELCA disciplinary process. This is an internal church proceeding and does not involve the civil courts.

With the filing of charges, I do not intend to make any further comments about the case until the DHC renders its verdict and course of action. Please remember in intercessory prayer Pastor Bradley Schmeling, his loved ones, St. John's Lutheran Church, and those of us who will be involved in the discipline hearing process.

Sincerely in Christ,

Ronald B. Warren

This list administered by ELCA-Southeastern Synod, 100 Edgewood Ave, Suite 1600, Atlanta, GA 30303

From what I understand, Pastor Schmeling made it clear to the bishop when he accepted the call that he did not agree with Visions and Expectations and would not commit to abiding by the rules. It should be no surprise, then, that he has entered into this relationship and expects to remain in his position. Also, from what I understand, he has the full support of his congregation.

I think it will be interesting to see if the synod will enforce what was decided in 2005 at CWA or if they will look the other way.


Reagan's tax cuts - 25 year anniversary

From Real Clear Politics:

Reagan's Winds Still at Our Backs

By Thomas Bray

Last weekend was the 25th anniversary of a turning point in Western civilization: the Reagan tax cut of 1981. Aside from an approving editorial in the Wall Street Journal, however, there was hardly a peep in the mainstream media.

That's not surprising: Ronald Reagan and his tax cuts remain highly suspect in the highly statist world of the national press corps. Among the chattering classes, and even among many tax-cutting enthusiasts, there is still little appreciation of the broader significance of the tax-cutting movement that swept Reagan into office in 1981.

It was far more than a revolt of hard-pressed taxpayers, who, acting out of base self-interest, greedily wished to keep more of their paycheck (or in the left's view, the dividend check). It was far more than a matter of making the economy more "efficient." It was an outward manifestation of a sea change in public attitudes about the proper role of government itself.

Click on the title to read more!


Are you reading the blogs?

Powerline has a good article about how blogs are keeping the mainstream media honest...well, maybe not keeping them honest, but at least pointing out their bias. Powerline is one of the blogs I check out regularly, as well as Hugh Hewitt and Michelle Malkin. Little Green Footballs has been rather tenacious in pointing out the staged photographs that the media claim represent what is happening in Lebbanon.

Click on the title - it is an interesting article!


Cynthia McKinney claims voter fraud.....(well, of course)

Cynthia McKinney thinks electronic voting should be banned because it can be used to steal elections. What she is really saying is, of course, that she lost because of fraud, not because:

-She got into a scuffle with the Capitol Hill police because they wanted to see her ID before she entered the capitol (she is so important that they MUST recognize her.)

-She is a moonbat who accuses the Bush administration of having advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

-She travels around with an entourage akin to that of a rap star. (Come are a congresswoman - one of 435!)

-She is a buddy of Cindy Sheehan.

-She gets lots of donations from people with Arab interests who are not in her district.

Get over it Cynthia...people in your district finally woke up and started wondering who you really represent and realized what an embarrassment you are!

Click on the title to read the article!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Metro NY rescinds resolution

If you remember, Metro NY Synod of the ELCA called a special assembly last October to address the results of the Churchwide Assembly votes on the issue of homosexuality. They passed a resolution that was ruled in conflict with the decisions of the CWA. At this summer's synodical convention in NY, people expressed anger at the special gathering in October and how people were notified. The end result: they rescinded the resolution. Interesting in light of the fact that many synods this spring and summer have passed (or not passed) resolutions supporting or chastising Metro NY for their slap at CWA...

Anyway, for a summary of the synodical "silly season" and discussion of this topic visit the ALPB forum - click on the title!


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hezbollah condemned those children to die

Remember...the Muslim fanatics know how to play the western media. Things are not always as they seem on tv.

Lebanese report: Hezbollah planted disabled children in basement to die
By Israel Insider staff and partners August 1, 2006

A French language Lebanese publication, citing an unnamed source in Hezbollah, has claimed that the organization placed a rocket launcher on the roof of the notorious building in Qana to provoke an Israeli attack and brought invalid children inside to serve as victims and blacken Israel's name. The Lebanese magazine LIBANOSCOPIE, associated with Christian elements which support the anti-Syrian movement called the "March 14 Forces," report that Hizbullah masterminded a plan that would result in the killing of innocents in Qana, in an attempt to foil Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's "Seven Points Plan" calling for deployment of the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon and the disarming of Hizbullah. The magazine reported:

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Red Cross reported on Monday that only 28 bodies, 19 of them children, were removed from the rubble. The count is half that of the 50-60 bodies still being reported by news agencies, quoting Lebanese security officials.

"We have it from a credible source that Hezbollah, alarmed by Siniora's plan, has concocted an incident that would help thwart the negotiations.... Hezbollah gunmen placed a rocket launcher on the roof in Qana and brought disabled children inside, in a bid to provoke a response by the Israeli Air Force. In this way, they were planning to take advantage of the death of innocents and curtail the diplomatic initiative," the site stated.

Click on the title to read the article.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Castro has signed over power to his brother...

...while he has surgery for intestinal bleeding. The Castro watch has begun.


Seek Out the Truth

Because you aren't going to get the whole story from the mainstream media.

Here is an interesting letter I found at Michelle Malkin's blog. To see what else she has on her blog, click on the title.

I just watched you on FOX. My daughter was in Gitmo for a year as a Master-at- Arms, E4. (10/04-10/05) She was injured several times by the inmates assaulting her physically. In addition, she knew that when she was doing her job by enforcing the rules, she was threatened by the prisoners if she had to touch them. They would get her. They mixed a cocktail of urine, feces, and semen, and let it fester for days until the right moment. They warned her that she was a target and then they got her, she was assaulted several times by loads of crap thrown at her.

She had to undergo shots to prevent what diseases that she was exposed to. I don't know why we have women guarding men, especially these animals, but that is the policy. My daughter is a tough cookie and can handle herself. In her year there she did not dishonor herself or our country. When she returned home she had a DVD of Gitmo. They made fresh bread every day!! Part of it showed how the chef's prepared special meals for the prisoners. If a prisoner refused food the guards were happy to sample the Chicken, rice pilaf, yogurt and fresh baked pita bread, while our guys had crap food from the mess or had to buy it from Burger King.

As part of her duties, in the last month she was there, she was assigned to the hospital ward. She had to force feed those a..holes who offed themselves the other day. They were the meanest of the bunch and had to be tied down to get their food. My daughter and other personnel voluntarily submitted themselves to the force feeding procedure also so that they could do it with the least pain for the captives. It was very unpleasant for her but it helped her and others to understand how to participate in it with the least stress for the recipients. The goal was to keep them alive. She feels that the suicides would not have happened on her watch, but it was going to happen eventually. These guys are warriors. By their death they have achieved a military success in the political world. The media marches on.

We (and Israel) are fighting a very determined, hardened foe. They will do things we would never do. The Hezbollah fighters imbed themselves in the civilian population so that their enemies will be castigated for killing civilians; we make a point to cause as few civilian deaths as possible. We are at a disadvantage fighting them. They see our desire to protect innocent life as a weakness and they exploit it. We are in a fight against evil and our media wants to keep that truth from us.


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Fair Tax Rally in Orlando

Yep. We were there. My hubby, two sons and I were part of the estimated 12,000 people who braved the heat and humidity in downtown Orlando this morning to support the Fair Tax. Just imagine...not having to deal with the IRS...

I still cannot get enough water in me. I hate the heat.

If you don't know what I am talking about, click on the link and learn all about it!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Did NBC miss a story?

I find it interesting that a video clip on NBC from the financial district in Sidon in southern Lebanon briefly showed sheets of uncut US $100 bills. That be an interesting story to investigate, especially since some terrorist groups attempt to destabilize our economy by flooding it with "funny money."

Click on the title to read more!


Friday, July 21, 2006

The Tragedy of the Religous Left

You have to base your beliefs on something. Why is the religious left so opposed to the Bible?
This article is the precursor to my previous post....

Worshipping the Goddess of Tolerance
by Chuck Colson

What do you get when you hold a conference with 1,200 people who are all afraid of offending one another? I’ll tell you what you don’t get. You don’t get unity, and you don’t get agreement on anything.

That’s what happened when the Spiritual Activism Conference took place recently in Washington, D.C. According to the New York Times, this group of religious liberals came together to discuss “taking back religion from the conservative Christians.” But the conference members had trouble getting anything specific done.

The Times hit it right on the nose when it explained, “Turnout at the Spiritual Activism Conference was high, but if the gathering is any indication, the biggest barrier for liberals may be their regard for pluralism: for letting people say what they want, how they want to, and for trying to include everyone’s priorities rather than choosing two or three issues that could inspire a movement.” Never mind even setting policy goals; some conference members were afraid that singing hymns might be enough to upset some members. Instead of coming away with a clear set of objectives, the conference members mostly came away frustrated.

Ironically for a group that prides itself on tolerance, it seems the only thing the conference could agree on was its opposition to the “religious right.” But frustrating as it was for them, the group had to concede that the “religious right” is a lot better at getting things done. Beliefnet suggests this was because “religious conservatives are willing to argue there is one correct view on policy issues.”

You see, that’s the crux of the liberals’ problem. This conflict is not about political or social divisions. It’s about authority—specifically, whether or not Christians are willing to acknowledge that the Bible is our authority.

Tony Campolo certainly recognized this. Though Tony and I disagree on lots of things, I really like Tony. He’s honest, and he loves the Bible. He tried to explain at this conference the necessity of following Scripture. But one participant retorted, “I thought this was a spiritual progressives’ conference. I don’t want to play the game of ‘the Bible says this or that,’ or that we get validation from something other than ourselves.”

There you have it. Validation from ourselves simply means you make up your own god. We Christians may interpret the Bible differently; we may apply it to life differently; we may have arguments over exegesis. But the Bible has to be the ultimate authority. Otherwise we end up worshiping the goddess of tolerance and believing that tolerance takes precedence over truth.

Dorothy Sayers, the great English writer, said it best: “In the world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called Despair, the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.”

This kind of so-called “tolerance” can never bring people together, but only as we saw in Washington, pull them farther apart.


The Thrill of Orthodoxy

The liberals want to go for the religious vote by saying "me too!" on the issue of who is spiritual...yet they don't have anything to base their sprituality on because the reject the authority of scripture.

The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Truth That is Ageless and New

Breakpoint with Chuck Colson ^ 7/19/2006 Chuck Colson

Yesterday I talked about the Spiritual Activism Conference in Washington, D.C., and the trouble its participants had coming up with any meaningful objectives. The problem, I suggested, was that the majority of the religious left cannot tolerate the idea of the authority of Scripture. In fact, in the effort to be “progressive,” they seem committed to putting as much distance as they can between themselves and the Bible.

Sadly, this isn’t just a problem for liberals. Some evangelicals these days are saying that truth is only knowable if you experience it. But if you believe that, it throws the Bible out, which is, after all, revealed propositional truth. Liberal or conservative, if you weaken the Bible as your authority, you give up more than just some ancient set of dogmas and rules. You give up joy, excitement, the very heart of the Christian faith. You lose what I call the thrill of orthodoxy—the exhilaration of experiencing and living out eternal truth that has been lived through the ages.

Let me give you a little example of what I mean by that. My wife, Patty, and I once visited St. Paul’s Cathedral, one of the most beautiful churches in England. We walked into the church, which today seems to be more like a massive museum than a church. People were milling about everywhere. Patty and I both felt impressed that we should go and sit in a pew and pray. We sat down and listened to the liturgy, which was then being broadcast on a loudspeaker.

We looked around and realized that, yes, this church had become a museum, and yes, the public was here just to see its beauty, but they were also hearing the liturgy and the Gospel. Then we were struck by the realization that the Gospel is always going to be preached and heard and lived—in tiny enclaves or vast churches.

Both Patty and I got goose bumps as we realized that we were sitting in a place where that same Gospel has been preached for hundreds of years (actually, fourteen hundred years if you count the churches that were on that spot before the present cathedral). It made us realize afresh that the Gospel provides a connection with all the Christians who have come before us, all the way back to the time of Jesus. And it is still transforming hearts and lives today every time it is preached or read. God and His Word are, as Augustine said, “beauty so ancient and so new.”

Watered-down “progressive” Christianity has nothing that can compare with this. Refusing to accept the authority of Scripture and cutting off all ties with our heritage leaves us rootless and drifting, ready to latch onto any fad. By contrast, as G. K. Chesterton explained about the timeless quality of God’s truth: “The Church always seems to be behind the times, when it is really beyond the times; it is waiting till the last fad shall have seen its last summer.” He even wrote of the truth of the Gospel as “the heavenly chariot [that] flies thundering through the ages, the dull heresies sprawling and prostrate, the wild truth reeling but erect.”

God’s truth has always shown that it can survive heresy, persecution, and any fad that the human mind can dream up. It will continue on, long after the last progressive has come up with the last resolution on tolerance.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Even the liberals get it.....

I was kind of surprised to find this in the LA Times....

Liberal Christianity is paying for its sins

Out-of-the-mainstream beliefs about gay marriage and supposedly sexist doctrines are gutting old-line faiths.

By Charlotte Allen, CHARLOTTE ALLEN is Catholicism editor for Beliefnet and the author of "The Human Christ: The Search for the Historical Jesus."July 9, 2006

The accelerating fragmentation of the strife-torn Episcopal Church USA, in which several parishes and even a few dioceses are opting out of the church, isn't simply about gay bishops, the blessing of same-sex unions or the election of a woman as presiding bishop. It also is about the meltdown of liberal Christianity.Embraced by the leadership of all the mainline Protestant denominations, as well as large segments of American Catholicism, liberal Christianity has been hailed by its boosters for 40 years as the future of the Christian church.


When a church doesn't take itself seriously, neither do its members. It is hard to believe that as recently as 1960, members of mainline churches — Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans and the like — accounted for 40% of all American Protestants. Today, it's more like 12% (17 million out of 135 million). Some of the precipitous decline is due to lower birthrates among the generally blue-state mainliners, but it also is clear that millions of mainline adherents (and especially their children) have simply walked out of the pews never to return. According to the Hartford Institute for Religious Research, in 1965, there were 3.4 million Episcopalians; now, there are 2.3 million. The number of Presbyterians fell from 4.3 million in 1965 to 2.5 million today. Compare that with 16 million members reported by the Southern Baptists.

When your religion says "whatever" on doctrinal matters, regards Jesus as just another wise teacher, refuses on principle to evangelize and lets you do pretty much what you want, it's a short step to deciding that one of the things you don't want to do is get up on Sunday morning and go to church.


So this is the liberal Christianity that was supposed to be the Christianity of the future: disarray, schism, rapidly falling numbers of adherents, a collapse of Christology and national meetings that rival those of the Modern Language Assn. for their potential for cheap laughs. And they keep telling the Catholic Church that it had better get with the liberal program — ordain women, bless gay unions and so forth — or die. Sure.


You would think that the leadership could look at what is happening and turn the ship around, but they are too certain that they are right and the rest of us are just intolerant, mean-spiritied, bigots who should just leave if we don't like what they are doing. The sad thing is that many of us are leaving. Some of the members of my ELCA church have become Baptists, for goodness sake! (Nothing against Baptists, but there are some serious differences in theology between Lutherans and Baptists, particularly in the theology of baptism.) Many more have jumped to the LCMS, a denomination much clearer on their view of the authority of scripture.

It is sad to see that the liberals in these denominations are willing to see their churches die rather than to resist their agenda.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Share this with your liberal friends

Why I Left The Left

Seth Swirsky

I used to be a liberal.

I was in one of the first “open” classrooms growing up in very progressive Great Neck, New York, in the 1960s. In 1971, when I was 11, I wrote vitriolic letters to President Nixon demanding an end to the Vietnam War.

My first vote, in 1980, was for Independent John Anderson, followed by Mondale, Dukakis, and Clinton-Gore. I read Thomas Friedman in the NY Times and tried to “understand” the “root causes” of the “despair” he said the Palestinians felt that drove them to blow up innocent Israelis.

I wasn’t an overtly political person – I just never veered from the liberal zeitgeist of the community in which I was raised.

But when I was about 27, in the late 1980s, cracks in my liberal worldview began to appear. It started with an uproar from the Left when Tipper Gore had the audacity to suggest a label on certain CDs to warn parents of lyrics that were clearly inappropriate for young people. Her suggestion was simple common sense and I was surprised by the furor it caused from the likes of Frank Zappa (and others) who felt their freedoms were being encroached upon. It was my first introduction into the entitled, selfish and irresponsible thinking I now associate with the Left.

In 1989, I remember questioning whether Democrat David Dinkins was the best choice for Mayor of New York City (where I lived) over Rudy Giuliani. After all, Dinkins hadn’t distinguished himself as Manhattan Borough President while Giuliani, as a United States District Attorney, had just de-fanged the mob.

But, racial “healing” was the issue of the day, Dinkins won, and the city went straight downhill. When Giuliani beat Dinkins in a rematch four years later – Surprise! – the crime rate plummeted, tourism boomed, Times Square came alive not with pimps but with commerce. Since 1993, the overwhelmingly liberal electorate in New York City has voted for Republicans for Mayor. Yet, to this day, many of my liberal friends refer to the decisive and effective Giuliani as a Nazi, even as they stroll their children through neighborhoods he cleaned up.

"What made me leave the Left for good and embrace the Right were their respective reactions to 9/11. While The New York Times doubted that we could succeed in Afghanistan because the Soviets in the ‘80s hadn’t, George W. Bush went directly after the Taliban and Al Qaeda seriously damaging and disrupting their networks."

After moving to Los Angeles in the early 90s, I watched from the roof of my apartment building as the city burned after the Rodney King verdicts were handed down. I thought what those four cops did to King was shameful. But I didn’t hear an uproar from my friends on the Left when rioters rampaged through the city’s streets, stealing, looting, and destroying property in the name of “no justice, no peace.” And it was impossible not to notice the hypocrisy when prominent Hollywood liberals, who had hosted anti-NRA fundraisers at their homes a week before the riots were standing in line at shooting ranges the week after it.

I watched carefully as Anita Hill testified during Clarence Thomas’s Supreme Court nomination hearing, claiming Thomas – once head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – sexually harassed her after she rebuffed his invitations to date him. At the time, I rooted, as did all my friends, for Miss Hill, hoping that her testimony would result in Thomas not getting confirmed. In retrospect, I’m ashamed that I was ever on the “side” of people who so viciously demonized a decent, qualified person like Judge Thomas, whether you agree with his judicial philosophy or not. Condoleezza Rice, during eligibility hearings for Secretary of State, also had to deal with rude people like Barbara Boxer, who seemed not to be able to fathom that a black American could embrace conservatism.

I voted for Al Gore in 2000. When he lost, I was disappointed, mostly in my fellow Democrats for thinking that the election had been “stolen” even though three other elections in the American history had been won by the candidate who had not won the popular vote (John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 and Benjamin Harrison in 1888). The rush to judgment by the now conspiracy consumed Left put me off. Where, I asked, were all the “disenfranchised” black voters who would have given Gore a victory in Florida? No one could produce a single name. And how exactly were the voting machines in Ohio “rigged” in 2004? I now refer to the Democrats as the Grassy Knoll party.

Still, I approached the 2004 primaries with an open mind. I was still a Democrat, still hoping that leaders like Sam Nunn and Scoop Jackson would emerge, still fantasizing that Democrats could constitute a party of truly progressive social thinkers with tough backbones who would reappear after 9/11.

I was wrong. The Left got nuttier, more extreme, less contributory to the public debate, more obsessed with their nemesis Bush – and it drove me further away. What Democrat could support Al Gore’s ‘04 choice for President, Howard Dean, when Dean didn’t dismiss the suggestion that George W. Bush had something to do with the 9/11 attacks? Or when the second most powerful Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin, thought our behavior at the detention center in Guantanamo was equivalent to Bergen Belsen and the Soviet gulags? Or when Senator Kennedy equated the unfortunate but small incident at Abu Ghraib with Saddam’s 40-year record of mass murder, rape rooms, and mass graves saying, “Saddam's torture chambers have reopened under new management, U.S. management"? What Democrat could not applaud the fact that the President had, in fact, kept us safe for what’s going on 5 years? What Democrat – even those who opposed the decision to go into Iraq – wouldn’t applaud the fact that tens of millions of previously brutalized people had the hope of freedom before them?

What made me leave the Left for good and embrace the Right were their respective reactions to 9/11. While The New York Times doubted that we could succeed in Afghanistan because the Soviets in the ‘80s hadn’t, George W. Bush went directly after the Taliban and Al Qaeda seriously damaging and disrupting their networks. Although many on the Left claim to have backed the President's actions, the self-doubt leading up to it, crystallized my view of the Left as weak and terminally lacking in confidence.

I supported President Bush’s hard line against the father of modern terrorism, Yasir Arafat, remembering that Bush’s predecessor hosted Arafat at the White House 13 times, more often than any other world leader. I applauded Bush’s unequivocal support for Israel, which every day faced (and faces) suicide attacks against its people. But I was most disappointed with liberal Jews who don’t understand that their very existence is rooted in Israel’s existence and that George W. Bush has been the best friend that Israel has ever had. But because they are less Jewish than they are liberal, they didn’t reward Bush with their vote in 2004.

Finally, I supported President Bush’s decision to oust Saddam and make possible the only democracy (other than Israel) in this crucial region of the Middle East. Post 9/11, we had to figure out a way to lessen the chances of more 9/11s. Democracy is a weapon in that war. If people are free to build businesses, buy homes, send their children to schools, pursue upward mobility, live their lives without fear, read newspapers of every opinion, vote for their leaders, resolve differences with debate and not bombs, they will have no reason to want to harm us.

In response, the Left offered bumper-sticker-type arguments like, Bush lied and thousands died. But Bush never lied. He, like Clinton and Gore and Kerry and the U.N. and the British and French and Israeli intelligence services affirmed that Saddam’s WMD were a vital threat – a threat, that post- 9/11, could not stand. An overwhelming number of Democrats voted for the war – but now the Left says they were “scared” into their votes by Bush. What does it say about Democrats if the “dummy” they think Bush is can scare them so easily?

Iraq is the “Normandy” of the War on Terror. The hope, once Iraq and Afghanistan are more stable, is that the nearly 70 million people in Iran will look at those countires (on it's left and right borders) and say: “Why do these people get to enjoy the fruits of freedom and we don’t?” – and then topple their Mullah’s dictatorial regime. The President understands the big picture -- that if the U.S. doesn’t help to remake that volatile region, we will face a nuclear version of 9/11 within the next two or five or 10 years. He is simply being realistic in his outlook and responsible in his actions. Iraq is succeeding, slowly but surely, but that’s not a sexy enough story to lead the news with: the relatively small amount of casualities are. Don’t forget, we occupied Germany and Japan for seven years and we still have troops there, more than 60 years after World War II ended.

And what have the Democrats contributed to the war effort since 9/11? Democrat Sen. Russ Feingold has suggested censuring our president; Former President and Vice President Bill Clinton and Al Gore, while visiting foreign countries, have blasted President Bush – acts of unconscionable irresponsibility; Democrat Sen. John Murtha, has invoked a cut-and-run policy in Iraq, supported by Democrat Senate Minority leader Harry Reid and Democrat House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi. Do they think the Middle East and the World would be safer if we had cut and run, as Murtha’s plan wanted us to do? Under that plan, our troops would have been out of Iraq by May 18th and al-Zarqawi wouldn’t be dead, but pulling the strings in an Iraqi civil war. With these kinds of ideas and behaviors, I just don’t trust Democrats when it comes to our national security.

And so, as any reader of this article can well understand, it became impossible for me to relate to the modern Democrat Party which has tacked way too far to the left and is dominated by elites that don’t like or trust the real people that make up most of the country.

Although I haven’t always agreed with President Bush, I proudly voted for him in 2004 (the only one of the four presidents not elected by the popular vote to win re-election). And I now fully understand Ronald Reagan’s statement, when he described why he switched from being a liberal to a conservative: “I didn’t leave the party – It left me!”

(Seth Swirsky is a songwriter, author, recording artist and memorabilia collector. His hits include "Love Is A Beautiful Thing" for Al Green, "Tell It To My Heart" and "Prove Your Love" for Taylor Dayne, "Instant Pleasure" for Rufus Wainwright amongst others. His trilogy of bestselling books consisting of his correspondence with baseball players are called "Baseball Letters" (Crown, 1996), "Every Pitcher Tells A Story" (Times Books, 1999) and "Something to Write Home About" (Random House, 2003). His personal collection consists of the ball that went through Bill Buckner’s legs in the 1986 World Series and the letter banning “Shoeless” Joe Jackson from Baseball. His own CD, "Instant Pleasure", won Best Pop Album at the 2005 L.A. Music Awards. Currently, he is making a bookumentary called Beatles Stories. His eclectic world can be seen and heard at his site,

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Two views of the Bible

Another interesting article from VirtueOnline. This doesn't just apply to the Episcopalians. It has a lot to say to us Lutherans. It explains why people reading the same Bible can come up with such different ideas about what is expected in the Christian life.


By Peter Toon6/26/2006

All Christians claim that the Bible (the One Canon with Two Testaments) is fundamental to Christianity. Without the Bible it is probable that there would be no Christian Religion at all in the world today.

Yet there are within the Christian Church throughout the world a variety of doctrines and views as to what authority the Bible should have in the Church, and how it should be interpreted. Within what we may call the Anglican branch of the worldwide Church, two basic approaches to the Bible, which have been present for a long time, have come into open and severe conflict over the last few years. And the focus of the controversy has been what the Bible says about "human sexuality," specifically whether the church should bless a union of two people of the same sex/gender, who claim to be living in a covenanted partnership and ordained a person in such a "relationship."

Let us call one view the "traditional" and the other the "radical" and describe them in general terms, recognizing that within each category there are variations, from mild to extreme.

Click on the title to read the rest.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Americans with No Abilities Act

I found this on FreeRepublic. It is from an unknown source, but is apparently circulating as an e-mail in D.C.

WASHINGTON, DC - Congress is considering sweeping legislation, which provides new benefits for many Americans. The Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA) is being hailed as a major legislation by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.

"Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society," said Barbara Boxer. "We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability to be ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation, employers will no longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers, simply because they do a better job, or have some idea of what they are doing."

The President pointed to the success of the US Postal Service, which has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to performance. Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack job skills, making this agency the single largest US employer of Persons of Inability.

Private sector industries with good records of nondiscrimination against the Inept include retail sales (72%), the airline industry (68%),and home improvement "warehouse" stores (65%) The DMV also has a great record of hiring Persons of Inability. (63%)

Under the Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million "middle man" positions will be created, with important-sounding titles but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusory sense of purpose and performance.

Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given, to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees.

The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations which maintain a significant level of Persons of Inability in middle positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium businesses that agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.

Finally, AWNAA contains tough new measures to make it more difficult to discriminate against the Nonabled, banning discriminatory interview questions such as "Do you have any goals for the future?? or "Do you have any skills or experience which relate to this job?"

"As a Nonabled person, I can't be expected to keep up with people who have something going for them," said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, MI due to her lack of notable job skills. "This new law should really help people like me." With the passage of this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.

"It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each and every American citizen, regardless of his or her adequacy, with some sort of space to take up in this great nation," said Senator Ted Kennedy.


Monday, June 26, 2006

How to Make Your Very Own Jesus

From VirtueOnline, "The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism"

How to Make Your Very Own Jesus

by Daniel J. Phillips

For ages, people have found Jesus to be an uncomfortable figure. He claimed honors belonging properly only to God (John 5:22, 23), held Himself out as the only solution for sin (Matthew 20:28), and accepted worship as God (John 20:28). What's even more threatening, He backed up these claims by a succession of unequaled miracles (John 15:24), climaxing in His own bodily resurrection (Matthew 12:39, 40).

Like many of Jesus' other ideas, these claims are clearly "incorrect," politically and socially. Worse still, they're unpopular!Not to worry! If you don't like the Jesus of the Bible, you can make your very own "Jesus." Here's how to do it, in six easy steps.

Begin with demolition work. First, paint the Gospels as fundamentally unreliable, unhistorical, and biased. Now, this will mean rough going, for several reasons. If you are to pull this off, your audience has to be unaware of the last hundred years of New Testament (NT) studies. Otherwise, they will know that every attempt to discredit the NT has failed miserably. They will remember that archeological, linguistic, and historical studies have systematically shown the NT to be factually reliable in every testable area. If they know the facts, it could hurt your theories. So. . . .

Second, flash some impressive academic degrees.

Click on the title to read the rest.

[NOTE: written as an article for a daily newspaper, skewering "the Jesus Seminar," its pompous pronouncements, and its book The Five Gospels, by means of parody.]

I found the article entertaining and sadly true. This could have been written for the ELCA as well.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Are you happy with what you see in the new hymnal?

If not, here is a suggestion from a fellow freeper:

To all ELCA Freepers: Freep the "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" liturgy/hymnal!

Please do two things--the first easy, and the other hard:

1. There is a petition circulating around in orthodox ELCA circles, concerning the bogus "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" liturgy/hymnal. Please copy it into your own e-mail, and sign it with your own real name and congregation. Send it to the "Renewing Worship" committee at You may also wish to "cc" Presiding "Bishop" Hanson at There may be others, such as your synodical bishop, you may wiish to "cc".

Do it ASAP!!!!

You will get a form letter-like reply that you will not like. And you may not like the idea of promoting "RW" under any circumstances--I sure don't! However, as with most Freeps, the idea is to fill these people's e-mail boxes with as many of these messages as possible, to demonstrate the breadth of opposition to "ELW" and to its feminazi, anti-Trinitarian contents.

Here is the message for your e-mails:

To: the Renewing Worship Team of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

We, the undersigned concerned pastors, musicians, and lay leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, in order that we may in good conscience promote the new hymnal Evangelical Lutheran Worship in our congregations, ask the following of the ELCA Renewing Worship Team and Augsburg Fortress Publishers:

1. to refrain from altering the Psalter (e.g.., changing from the third person to the second person when referring to God in order to avoid the masculine pronoun "he)." We desire that the Psalter in the Lutheran Book of Worship be retained in this new book.

2. not to delete the address "O Lord, Holy Father, almighty and ever-living God" from the ancient Eucharistic proper prefaces.

3. to remove options which allow for blessing (with the exception of the Aaronic blessing before the dismissal at the conclusion of the Eucharist), absolving, etc. in any name except that of "The Father. Son, and Holy Spirit."

If these simple and modest requests are met, we will gladly promote this new Evangelical Lutheran Worship book in our churches. If not, we will refrain from promoting this new book and urge others to do the same.

Sincerely, (Your real name, and congregation)

2. Here is the hard thing to do, but very, very important: Please do everything you can to see that your congregation does NOT order "Evangelical Lutheran Worship", or use ANY materials from it. Speak with your pastor, church council, organist and worship committee--whoever is in charge of this. If your council or pastor has already decided to order or use "ELW", ask for a reconsideration. It is central to the Christian faith that we worship in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and accept no other subsitutes!!!! The feminazi, bogus, and heretical "ELW" goes against all of this.

We can win! If sufficient numbers of congregations don't order "ELW" or its associated electronic materials, it will bankrupt Augsburg-Fortress, and the ELCA mis-leaders will have to listen to us!!!

I ask you to take this information into consideration.
