Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Liberals kicking themselves over Alito hearings.

Gene Edward Veith writes:

Columnist James Pinkerton of Newsday has an unintentionally amusing column about how Democrats are kicking themselves for the way they handled the Alito confirmation hearings.

It seems the Democrats attended a seminar led by several leftwing law professors, who told them that they could successfully oppose even well-qualified nominees if they would just keep hammering on the possibility they might turn the Supreme Court in a conservative direction. The Senators slavishly followed this playbook, only to find that, like most nostrums from leftwing law professors, it doesn't work.

The Democrats are also miffed that the usually reliable mainstream media let them down. The major networks showed the Senators bloviating and Mrs. Alito running crying from the room. That made us look bad! Jon Stewart even made fun of us on the "Daily Show"! How dare they! Whose side are these people on, anyway?

Mr. Pinkerton thinks a better strategy would be for Democrats to just let Republicans do their worst. Let the new Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, he says. THEN there will be an anti-Republican, pro-abortion backlash that can sweep Democrats back into power. So he thinks. But it would indeed be good if Democrats would adopt the strategy of capitulation, since nothing else is working. But they are going to have to keep their leaders off of TV.

Heh heh

Visit Veith's blog by clicking on the title above. FYI - he is a Lutheran!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Momma must have been one of those folks who understood that boys and girls are different without having a study then!

Good for her. Let's find her and make her bishop, or at the very least get her to teach moral theology at our seminaries.

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler