Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I have let society down.... being a stay at home mom.

This is an interesting article by Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Click on the title to read the entire article.

What I find so fascinating is the anti-choice position of the feminist who is claiming that women should not abandon the workplace to raise children. Here are a couple of interesting quotes:

According to Hirshman's diagnosis, this problem is largely traceable to the fact that too many women are staying at home with their children. In particular, she attacked the notion that women should feel free to choose motherhood as a life calling. In attacking "choice feminism," Hirshman asserts that women who give themselves to mothering undermine the status of all women and threaten the emergence of an egalitarian civilization.

Clearly, what she argues that liberal feminism was unable to propose, she now intends to take up as her central argument. She clearly believes that housekeeping and child-rearing are not interesting and should not be socially validated.

Make no mistake--Hirshman does not want women to have any real choice in the matter. "Choice feminism" is an abysmal failure, in her view, because it validates what should never be validated--motherhood.

There is more. Hirshman argues that allowing motherhood as a choice is "bad for women individually." Hirshman is ready to tell young women that they have no inherent right to choose a status lower, in Hirshman's view, from what they should seek and demand in the public sphere.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Women have no "choice" about there place in society? I wonder if she is ready to say they have no "choice" over the lives of their unborn childen either. My guess is that killing the unborn would be a "non-choice" because one must kill that which would "enforce" motherhood.

Hmmmm. I wonder if there is a reason these people aren't trusted by society at large...a society that exists because of mothers (not to mention fathers).

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler