Saturday, October 21, 2006

Do you watch Dr. Phil?

Ok, so I am only hearing this second hand, through one of my homeschooling lists, but his show sounds like Jerry Springer (I have been corrected...he is not like Jerry Springer). I don't even watch Oprah, so I am ignorant about what happens on those shows. A local homeschooler got invited to be on Dr. Phil's show to talk about homeschooling and it was an awful experience (my hubby said from the start that it was a set up. We have experience in how the media covers homeschooling.) I think the show is going to be aired on Oct. 27. Here is what she is doing locally for damage control:

The Great School Debacle: Learn the Truth behind what you will see next week on The Dr. Phil TV show entitled, "The Great School Debate."

CarrieLynn, an Orlando, FL resident and veteran Home Educator, was on the Dr. Phil Show and shares her opinions with the Home School Community:

"The Dr. Phil Show CREATES CONFUSION and FEEDS FEAR with this upcoming show featuring sensationalized segments highlighting problems with home school and public school, and worse yet, offers no hopeful alternatives."

a.. Get answers to many questions posed by Dr. Phil regarding the "legitimacy of learning" through home education. (He posed 3x as many questions as he allowed answered!)

b.. Veteran Home Educators speak candidly about the changing landscape of Home School, and how we can champion those changes despite the bad press like the upcoming Dr. Phil Show.

c.. Listen to a passionate Home School Dad talk about his discovery of "The Gift" of home education, after years of passively and actively opposing his wife's decision to home school their children.

d.. Hear the life changing journey of Jamie, as she describes her "magical years" as a Home School student . She was in the public school system until the 5th grade and then home schooled until college; where she is now studying to become a nurse. (Jamie will be speaking in rebuttal to the 26 year old woman who appears on the Dr. Phil show claiming that she has not been able to attend college and is a "Social Retard" because her parents home schooled her.)

e.. Bring your questions! We will have a diverse group of Veteran Home Educators available to answer ALL YOUR QUESTIONS at the end of the presentation.

f.. Receive a comprehensive list of area Home School Support Groups.

g.. Our Aim: You will leave ready to move deeper into your home school journey with confidence, that you are more than able to educate your child; delightfully refreshed as you listen to the stories of fellow home educators detailing their latest triumph in the face of adversity; and hopefully inspired as you come to understand how much support you really have in this community!

Do you know someone who is considering Home School for their child's education? Invite them along! This presentation will focus on the "best of" Home Education. Please feel free to forward this invitation.

Location and Time is as follows:

Please join us for an informational meeting about the upcoming Dr. Phil Show, "The Great School Debate" which airs October 27.

Downtown Library -- Albertson Room --Thursday October 26th TIME: 2:45p to 4:00p.

The presentation will begin promptly at 3:00p. Families are welcome. You might want to bring playthings for the little ones who will most assuredly tire of our ramblings before the hour is up!

***There will be absolutely nothing for sale at this presentation. Solicitation of any kind is prohibited during this event.

***Please direct questions & comments to



Anonymous said...

Oh my! Sign of the times. People grant more authority to talk show and celebrity icons than to Scripture.

No surprises here.

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler, Pastor
Trinity-Bergen/Faith Lutheran Parish

P.S. I'm tired of Scripture being trumped by such authorities as Rosie.

Katie Kilcrease said...

Oprah is my pet peeve. I mean, she is nice enough, but people act like she is a guru or something. Of course I don't watch her or any such talk show, so maybe she is!

Katie Kilcrease said...

Hey, Pastor Rob, do you have any idea what's wrong with the ALPB forum? I can't seem to get on. I can get on the regular website.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't know what is going on with ALPB> Haven't been on it for some time, but am getting the Forum Letter.

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler, Pastor
Trinity-Bergen/Faith Lutheran Parish

Charles said...

US News (or Newsweek, I can't remember) did a report about home schooling some months ago when they did their report on the best public high schools in the country. The article mentioned one strategy where kids decide when they want to start learning things. Some chose to read at 5, others at 9, but none of them fell behind. There was also a piece about a girl who was homeschooled and went to Harvard. There are some media outlets that are telling the truth.