Saturday, December 09, 2006

If We Don't Learn the Lessons of History....

We Are Doomed to Repeat Them.

This columnist gets it. Will we? In time?

The West Can't Afford to Lose War with Islamicists

Sixty-six years ago, Nazi Germany had overrun almost all of Europe and practically hammered England to certain defeat. England held out for two years even with staggering shipping losses and the near decimation of its' Air Force in the Battle of Britain, but was saved because of the arrogance of Hitler and his advisors who thought the British were a relatively minor threat that could be dealt with later since England was on the verge of collapse by late summer of 1940.

America during this early period of time, and at the beginning of WWII, was in an isolationist, pacifist mood and wanted nothing to do with the war in Europe or Asia. However, on Dec. 7, 1941 the mood was changed and at that time we had few Allies when we entered the war, the same as we have today while engaged in Iraq. Germany and Japan had ideas of conquering America by first invading Canada and Mexico and once conquered, then invade America over the North and South borders, after they took complete control of Asia and Europe.

When the Japanese attacked and sank our battleships at Pearl Harbor we were ill prepared or equipped for war. Had it not been for Hitler's assumption that England was finished and diverted his attention to conquering Russia, we would not have had the two years we needed to gear up our reserves in order to counter attack Germany and Japan. I bring this up to illustrate that turning points in history are often dicey things. Today we are involved in another kind of war.

The terrorist and the militant Muslims, are basically Nazis. They believe that Islam, a radically, conservative (not liberal) form of Wahhabi Islam, should own and control the Middle East first, then Europe, then the world, and that all who do not bow to Allah should be killed, enslaved, or subjugated. They want to destroy Israel, purge the world of Jews, the same as Hitler wanted also. If the Wahhabis win and get control of the Middle East, OPEC oil, the United States, European and Asian economics, and the Techno Industrial economics, the world will be at the mercy of OPEC, not an OPEC dominated by the well educated and rational Saudis of today, but an OPEC dominated by the terrorist.

Click on the title to read the rest.

I understand not wanting to be at war or wanting to do a better job at fighting the war. However, if we bail on this war and let the Iraqis "settle it among themselves," we are going to have a much bigger problem on down the road. I fear that we don't have the stomach or the will to fight and win. Our enemies are not shackled by political correctness or even a concern for humanity. The Islamic radicals will kill us, our children, our grandchildren....barbarically (I wanted to say "if necessary," but that doesn't really fit here does it? There are those in the radical Islamic camp who enjoy killing barbarically. And video taping it and putting it on the internet.) I fear we will not wake up in time to prevent some serious world wide bloodshed.

I have come to believe this is the most serious political issue of our time. Why aren't our politicians concerned? Do they really think this won't affect us?


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