Thursday, November 30, 2006

This is not racial profiling....

Here is a good column about the removal of the Muslim imams from the US Airways flight earlier this month:

So tell me, my politically correct friends, what would you do?

You’re waiting to board an airplane and you spot six bearded Muslims - imams, as it turns out - in the concourse waiting to board with you. Three of them are praying loudly, shouting “Allah! Allah!” when you and your fellow passengers are called for boarding.

You, being a good liberal, think nothing of it.

According to the Washington Times, “Passengers and flight attendants told law enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.”

One air marshal told the Times: “They [the imams] now control all of the entry and exit routes to the plane. That would alarm me.”

But not you. You’re no bigot. You’re no profiler.

So what if three notably non-obese imams asked for seat belt extenders? So what if, despite being told there were no available seats in first class when asked for an upgrade, two of the imams were found sitting there when they were removed from the plane?

No matter. You’re with Mahdi Bray of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, who called removing the imams an act of racism and Islamophobia.

Alas, I’m not as “open-minded” as you. I will stick with the “Islamophobes” and wait for the next flight.

How much sympathy do I have for idiot imams in the post-9/11 world who feel the need to shout “Allah!” at the top of their lungs while boarding an airplane?

Slightly less than I feel for the drunken Yankees fan who wanders onto Yawkey Way screaming “The Red Sox can kiss my [muffled blows and sounds of broken glass]"

Click on the title to read the rest.

If that were to happen on a plane on which I was flying, I would be scared out of my wits.

I have to think that this is a scam to drum up sympathy for the poor, oppressed Muslims in America, but I am afraid that it will backfire on them. At least I hope it will! Enough of this using our own political correctness against us!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Maybe we should try this next at church....

Skyboxes, club cards woo 'church customers'

FRESNO — On Sunday morning at the 18,000-member Calvary Church, tithers flash green Costco-like cards at greeters, who let them in early and usher them to special seating areas. "The seats have more padding, and they recline," says tither Dan Phelps, kicking back before the sermon. "I feel a little guilty, but you can't knock the comfort."

Calvary is believed to be the first church in America to use membership cards to dole out privileges to certain members. First-time visitors are offered the best seats — plush recliners in the orchestra section — while non-tithing attendees carry orange membership cards and are forced to sit in hard, stadium-style seats on the mezzanine. "We give honor to whom honor is due," says pastor Jerald Dennis. "If you tithe or volunteer in some way, you deserve a special thank you."

Churches like his are drawing wealthier "church consumers" by promoting luxury and social stratification inside the sanctuary. As rich people attend, the theory goes, tithe revenues increase and the church better promotes the gospel. At Life Family Center in Abilene, Texas, members at all levels earn "reward points" similar to frequent flyer miles for tithing and attending. The points add up to free hotel stays, vacation packages and tickets to NASCAR events.

Ringing the church's cavernous sanctuary are private skyboxes where groups watch the service while enjoying hors d'oeuvres and deep leather chairs. Some pay only occasional attention to what takes place on the platform.

"We compete with professional sporting events, not other churches," says pastor Lovey Pederson. "I would rather people come here than a football stadium, so I offer bigger perks."

This year, at least a dozen more mega-churches will introduce some form of "club card." "The credit card commercial said it best: 'Membership has its privileges,'" says Pederson. •

Click on the title!


(yes, it's satire.)

Snow - no way!

WESH channel 2 just reported that we have had snow mixed with freezing rain just north of here in Volusia and Seminole County! We have not seen snow in Central FL since Christmas 1989.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Rape of Europe

Interesting article on the ongoing Islamification of Europe. I have never felt any great drive to visit Europe; I am not against it, I just figured I would get around to it someday. I guess if I want to go, I should go soon. Here is an excerpt:

“If faith collapses, civilization goes with it,” says Bethell. That is the real cause of the closing of civilization in Europe. Islamization is simply the consequence. The very word Islam means “submission” and the secularists have submitted already. Many Europeans have already become Muslims, though they do not realize it or do not want to admit it.

Click on the title to read the article.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Our World is a Lot Less Safe

Not necessarily because of who is now in charge, but because we have shown a lack of resolve. Melanie Phillips puts it well:

I am currently in America. The Republicans I have been meeting are remarkably upbeat about the Democrat victory in the mid-term elections. Partly, this is because they are so disenchanted with President Bush who they think has long lost the plot. Partly it’s because at this stage in the electoral cycle the President – whoever he is – has generally run out of steam anyway. But mainly it’s because they have a win-win view of the Democrats’ dilemma. Either, the Republicans think, the hard realities of coping with defending the country against terrorism at home and facing up to the terrible consequences of defeat in Iraq will force the Democrats into largely following the Bush agenda – thus in all likelihood tearing themselves apart in the process; or the reality-challenged wing of the Democratic party will be dominant and proceed to open the country’s borders, go soft on terror and wave the white flag in Iraq – in which case they will lose the Presidential election hands down.

Hmmn. I think something different: that the most likely outcome of these mid-term elections is another major terror attack on America. Whatever the smart analysis of the likely shape of domestic American politics over the next two years, America signaledignalled a faltering of resolve; and thatÂ’s the cue for a redoubled Islamist attack.

Click on the title for the rest of the article.

I don't think an attack is coming tomorrow. Our Islamic foes are very patient. I do think we can expect an attack in the next two years, perhaps in time to influence the 2008 election. This tactic worked for the Islamists before, in Spain. They toppled the ruling party in Spain with their attack.

We cannot show that we are not willing to fight, that we are not willing to see this through. If we do, the world that we leave our children will be very different from the world we have been able to enjoy.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Bottom Line

This guy says it much better than I can:

We Did Not Just Lose Our Majority, We Lost Our Way

by Rep. Mike Pence

Posted Nov 08, 2006

Election Day 2006 will be remembered as a turning point in American political history. Twenty-five years after the Reagan Administration came to Washington with a conservative agenda of limited government, the American people chose a different course.

It is the duty of the losing party in a free election to humbly accept defeat and to acknowledge that the people are sovereign in the People's House.

As we examine the results of this election, it is imperative that we listen to the American people and learn the right lessons.

Some will argue that we lost our majority because of scandals at home and challenges abroad. I say, we did not just lose our majority, we lost our way.

While the scandals of the 109th Congress harmed our cause, the greatest scandal in Washington, D.C. is runaway federal spending.

After 1994, we were a majority committed to balanced federal budgets, entitlement reform and advancing the principles of limited government. In recent years, our majority voted to expand the federal government's role in education, entitlements and pursued spending policies that created record deficits and national debt.

This was not in the Contract with America and Republican voters said, “enough is enough.”

Our opponents will say that the American people rejected our Republican vision. I say the American people didn't quit on the Contract with America, we did. And in so doing, we severed the bonds of trust between our party and millions of our most ardent supporters.

As the 110th Congress convenes next year, Republicans must cordially accept defeat and dedicate ourselves to advancing our cause as the loyal opposition knowing that the only way to retake our natural, governing majority, is to renew our commitment to limited government, national defense, traditional values and reform.

Click on the title to go to the article.

The best thing about this is that we all know that the Democrats will jump right in there trying to advance their socialist agenda and that will hopefully wake up the Republicans to do what they need to do to get back on a conservative, limited government track.



The Republicans got what they had coming....

At least the Europeans are happy with the election.

And the Islamic terror states....
