Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another reason to hate Israel....


3 Iraqi children to be operated on in Israel

Cardiac patients to be brought to Jewish state as part of humanitarian project. Some 1,600 children from 25 different countries undergo surgery in Israel so far. 'It's a special experience; the parents arrive in a country they consider an enemy state,' says director of association which initiated project.

Three Iraqi children suffering from heart defects are expected to arrive in Israel on Thursday through the Allenby Bridge border crossing in order to be operated on by cardiologists from the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon.

The operations will be carried out as part of the humanitarian project 'Save a Child's Heart.' Since the association was founded 12 years ago, more than 1,600 children from 25 different countries, including the Palestinian Authority, have undergone surgery in Israel.

The association's director, Simon Fischer, said that "after Saddam Hussein's regime collapsed, we started operating on children from Iraq. Before that it was just not possible.

"At the end of December we were in Jordan with our doctors and build a cardiac clinic there, in which 29 children from Iraq were tested. Twenty of them were found suitable for operation. We plan to travel to Jordan once again this year in order for other children from the country to undergo similar tests."

Click on the title for the entire article.

I wonder what humanitarian programs Arab countries have for other countries, perhaps for Israel? Oh wait, they've vowed to drive Israel into the sea, that's right! Yeah, that's why we support Arab countries over evil Israel....


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