Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We really don't believe it could happen here.

From Investor's Business Daily:

The FBI and Homeland Security Department last week sent out a bulletin to law enforcement across the country warning that Muslims with "ties to extremist groups" are signing up to be school bus drivers. They also noted "recent suspicious activity" by foreigners who drive school buses or are licensed to drive them.

Recent events come on top of several other school bus-related incidents involving Mideast men that raise suspicion of terror activity.

They include last year's surprise boarding of a school bus in Florida by two Saudi men dressed in trench coats. Authorities suspect they were making a dry run to see how easy it would be to hijack or blow up a school bus filled with American children.

Previously, an Arab man from Detroit was caught trying to obtain a job as a school bus driver in New York using fake Social Security documents.

Authorities fear the school massacre that took place in Beslan, Russia, in 2004 may be a dress rehearsal for what al-Qaida plans to do here. Chechen terrorists tied to al-Qaida seized a building in Beslan on the first day of school and slaughtered 338, including 172 kids.

Three years later, schools and local police in this country are still unprepared to deal with such an assault.

Click on the title to read the entire article.

From many other articles:

An FBI spokesman said "parents and children have nothing to fear."


Now, I don't know about the FBI, but if there was nothing to fear, I wouldn't issuing a warning, would you?

Do you believe terrorists will attack our schools here in the US?

Our leaders are not too concerned, if we judge by what they spend their time on. Valerie Plame is such a non-story. Her CIA position does not fit the legal definition of covert.


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