Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Bible and Self-Defense

Here is and article from Joseph Farah written shortly after 9/11. I excerpted a small portion because they don't let you reproduce the whole article from that site. Please click on the title to read the rest.

The Bible and Self Defense

After my plea to Americans last week to buy firearms as a first step to fighting terrorism, a number of Christians wrote challenging my prescription as unbiblical, unscriptural and ungodly.


The Bible couldn't be clearer on the right – even the duty – we have as believers to self-defense.


The rest of the article makes some interesting points. What would the outcome have been if there had been one or two concealed carry permit holders legally armed on the planes that were used for such destruction on 9/11? I don't expect we will ever know, because our society will never give up on the idea that making guns illegal in certain places will make those places safer.


1 comment:

Chanticleer said...

Although God is our ultimate protector, we're made in His image. We're called to protect ourselves and others. I think the sin enters, as in every other situation, when we trust and rely on ourselves instead of Him. Remember who holds ultimate authority, acknowledge the source of our strength -- then humbly act in a way that reflects His nature. He's not a tame lion.