Monday, January 21, 2008

How to vote in the primary?

I have to say I am stumped. I am not crazy about any of the primary candidates. There are things I don't like about pretty much every one of them...except Fred Thompson. And I don't see him getting the nomination. I would like to vote for him in the primary, but I don't want to take votes away from someone who could actually beat McCain or even Huckabee - can you believe he is actually a contender? All I can think of when I see him is Jimmy Carter with a "R" after his name. But McCain?!? Yikes! I can't imagine him as president. He has a serious anger management problem. So who do you like, on either side, and why? I am truly undecided, but I am a registered republican so I have to vote in that primary.



Anonymous said...


I'm in full agreement that I don't see one that stands out above the rest. And even though 1/2 of Florida's Republican primary votes will count as compared to the Dem's zero, I have an anger toward our political system that is basically saying that my voice doesn't really matter. It's being stolen.

Now, in the case of the Dem's I'm quick to point out that these are the same people who accused the Rep's in recent elections of not letting votes count. What a crock and mockery!

Of great concern to me in Florida is Amendment 1. I am so confused about this. It's good. It's bad. $240 doesn't really do squat for us in the big picture...but no one is really saying what the real alternative is if we vote no on 1. Any thoughts?

Rick Weiss said...

Romney, I voted for him, Its the econemy, My baptist freinds tell me Im going to hell for voteing for a mormon, Oh well, being Lutheran Im going to hell anyway:)

Anonymous said...

I would almost like to see three of them "morph" into one: Romney for his business/economy sense; McCain for his kick-butt "don't mess with the USA" attitude; and Huckabee, for his faith and "down home" personality. Overall, still too many questions to be answered.

A Lutheran going to hell because of voting for a mormon? NAH! I went to an LCMS university many years ago, and after getting my MS in Parish Education, was called to an ELCA congregation. Now THAT'S being sentenced to hell by your peers and professors! hee-hee!

Katie Kilcrease said...

I am as befuddled on amendment one as I am on the presidential candidates. I would hate to have my taxes be as high as my mortgage once was because the home values have gone so crazy, but why should I pay thousands less in taxes than my neighbor just because I happened to move in twenty years ago and they moved in last year? There has to be a better solution.

And all the complaints about services needing to be cut if we change the tax structure - weren't these higher tax revenues somewhat of a windfall resulting from the run up in housing prices? Why would reducing the taxes closer to where they were before cause a revenue shortage? Did they just start throwing money to the wind?

As for primary candidates, Romney is the only one left that I can stomach. I guess I'm going to hell too.