Sunday, January 03, 2010

After the Collectivist Winter Will Come the Spring

We have to wait through a decade of winter before we see spring? Say it isn't so, Vin!

VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: After the collectivist Winter will come the Spring

A great decade lies ahead. Unfortunately, it's not the next one


I wish I could offer some cheery prognostications for 2010.

I'd like to predict Barack Obama will awaken some morning soon, rub his eyes, and go, "Holy cow. Do you realize we're actually letting welfare recipients vote? Talk about a conflict of interest! If we don't want this republic to descend into a collectivist slave state we've got to immediately limit the franchise to only net tax payers. And the Seventeenth Amendment, which encourages senators to collect millions in 'campaign' bribes from corporations and labor unions from here to Hong Kong, has to be repealed, restoring the states' veto power over congressional mischief. Anybody can see that.

"Meantime, I can't believe the way this federal government has been sucking the lifeblood out of our most productive citizens, till the wealthiest are actually fleeing the country with their remaining assets, the way the entrepreneurial class fled Russia in 1918.

"And we've been wondering why there's no 'job creation'? We need to repeal the death tax, the capital gains tax, and the federal income tax immediately, replacing them with nothing. And let's close down the Fed and tell Congress to get back to doing their job and setting the value of the dollar as a fixed weight of gold or silver. If all that reduces the size of the federal government by half, heck, it's a start.

"Rahm, get me Ron Paul on the phone, let's see if he'll take over Treasury."

Yeah, right, Obama's going to do that!
Click on the title to read the whole article!


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