Thursday, February 11, 2010

Global Warming Snow Job

I really get frustrated with the people who keep saying things like, "Just because it is cold in some parts of the world doesn't mean we aren't experiencing global warming!" What makes me question the validity of the global warming hypothesis is how many untruths and ignored or manipulated data are involved. This editorial just points out a few of the problems.

Global Warming Snowjob

The Washington Times Editorial Staff

Record snowfall illustrates the obvious: The global warming fraud is without equal in modern science.

The fundamental problems exposed about climate-change theory undermine the very basis of scientific inquiry. Huge numbers of researchers refuse to provide their data to other scientists. Some referenced data is found not to have existed. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 report that global warming activists continually cite invented a large number of purported facts. Consider a few of the problems with the U.N. report that came to light over the past few weeks.


Click on the title for the rest!


1 comment:

Steve Martin said...

Global Warming is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on mankind.

It will eventually be proven to be totally false, and the eco-leftist nuts and their useful idiots in the Democratic Party will not say that they are sorry.

By then they will have just moved on to the scare du jour.

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