Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Do Boys Need a Dad?

I think so...but as a single mom friend of mine says, "No dad is better than a bad dad." I know several boys being raised by single moms who have dads that would be extremely destructive if they were in the picture (crackheads, etc.). But is it a good idea for women to make a conscious choice to produce children knowing that a dad will never be in the picture? To have sons who talk about their "seed daddies?" Ick. This cannot be good.

Click on the title to read Rev. Albert Mohler's review of the book, Raising Boys Without Men.

Here is an excerpt:

So, how does Drexler explain the fact that boys without fathers want a dad? "It's only natural to long for what you don't have," she claims.

But Drexler doesn't end with this dismissive (if utterly unconvincing) assertion. She goes on to argue that boys raised by moms alone are likely to develop a superior masculinity to that of boys with fathers. "Sons have a hard time accepting those characteristics in their fathers that cannot be changed, and even into adult life spend enormous amounts of energy wishing, hoping, fantasizing, and trying to transform their fathers into the loving models they never were and most likely can't be," she insists. Once again, Drexler's logic crosses into absurdity. She focuses on the virtues of highly motivated "maverick moms" and on the liabilities of dead-beat dads and simply chooses not to acknowledge the obvious benefit boys receive by the presence of loving, masculine, supportive, normal fathers.


So, I guess we could just keep men around as sperm donors because we certainly don't need them to help raise the children. Of course, what does that mean for these boys of "maverick moms" when they reach adulthood? Will they be accepting of the theory that they are not needed to help raise the next generation?

And with cloning becoming a real possibility in the very near future, might we not need sperm at all? Perhaps we can keep men in zoos or something. (That was sarcasm in case you are one of the sarcastically-impaired.)

Double sheesh.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. Boys need a dad. My son's father is not involved in his life (bad dad). However, I do not believe that I, nor any other single mom can raise a son alone. (Too much estrogen perhaps?:)) If the dad is not available, then it is our responsibiliy to find positive surrogate masculine influence.

It was imperative that my son have moral men who by example or active involvement influence his mental, emotional, physical and spiritual development. He has been mentored by his grandfather, "adopted" grandfather, Godfather, youth pastor, fathers of friends and men at church. All these wonderful men have shared of themselves and have been an integral part of his growing into a fine young man.
Thankfully, they have been able to provide that masculine perspective that I cannot and should not provide.

My deepest regret is that my son has not experienced the love of an earthly father. He does however, know and understand the deep and unconditional love of his Heavenly Father.

Yes. Boys need a dad.