Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Confessions of a Lutheran Refugee

This is a good read. I don't completely agree with the view of women's ordination, because I believe that you can find scriptural support for both sides of the issue.

Confessions of a Lutheran Refugee

Lars Walker

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (as you doubtless know) decided, last month, to bless same-sex relationships, and to allow open homosexuals (if monogamous) to serve as clergy. I'm sure this action will lead to a perceptible (possibly dramatic) exodus of conservative churches and individuals from the denomination. I approve of this, and encourage it.

Still, I can already hear the accusations coming from the ELCA liberals and homosexual activists—“This isn’t about truth! It’s about hate! You people just can’t get past your homophobia!”

And in a sense, I understand the criticism. One might reasonably ask, “Why now? Has this problem come up all of a sudden (like the unpredicted tornado that knocked the cross off the steeple of Central Lutheran Church, a convention venue, during deliberations)? Why strain out this camel, when you’ve swallowed so many camels already?”

Please click on the title to read the rest.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really liked this article and linked to it on my facebook page. Whatever one believes about Women's Ordination, the fact remains (in my opinion) that a truly Scriptural case was never presented. Scripture was not considered the final authority, but rather only one among many and easily discarded when culturally or politically necessary. I think if one reads this article next to Herb Chilstrom's open letter in response to CORE prior to the CWA, there is alot consider regarding the understanding of Scripture and therefore how Scripture is used.

Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Rob Buechler