Monday, February 21, 2011

Why I Changed My Mind about Unions

I found this article by Michael Filozof from The American Thinker interesting because I entered adult life believing the mantra "Unions Good, Management Bad!" I can remember Andy looking at me like I was crazy when I made some positive comment about unionization. Ah, the wonders of government school indoctrination! (Parents, if your kids are in government schools, please take the time to teach them the truth about our constitution and economics!) The problem with unions today rests with the public sector unions - the government really is not likely to go bankrupt; it will keep borrowing and sticking it to the taxpayers to pay for the ever increasing costs of benefits for unionized government workers. And if we dare to try to stop the ever-accelerating spiral of spending and debt, they will engage in protests with the threat of violence to maintain that which they believe we owe them. Just look at what is happening in Wisconsin.

Here is the conclusion of the article:

As Sen. Barry Goldwater observed in Conscience of a Conservative, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of association for union members. But "[e]mployers are forbidden to act collusively for sound reasons. The same reasons [should] apply to unions...Let us henceforth make war on all monopolies -- whether corporate or union. The enemy of freedom is unrestrained power" -- whether it be unrestrained management power or unrestrained union power.

If the fiscal conservatives fail in Wisconsin, we all may be doomed to slavery to the public sector unions. We in the private sector will be on the hook for government employee six-figure pensions that they did not have to pay into like we did. We all have had to make cuts and lifestyle changes because of the economic crisis we have been facing for the last several years. Government must cut too, and that means breaking the power of the public sector unions. Watch Wisconsin...your state may be next.

Click on the title to read the entire article.

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