Saturday, April 16, 2005

And this is new?

In an article titled, Wanted: Bold, Strict Parents, Dr. Kelly Hollowell writes:

However unpopular it may seem by society standards, Rebecca candidly talks about the safeguards she uses in raising her three teenage children. None has a computer in their room. Their computers are in plain view open to the entire family for supervised use. Only one child has a TV in her room, which is rigged for viewing parentally approved videos. There is no MTV. All of this is done, in part, to monitor and limit their exposure to sex and other morally compromising behavior. Of course, she and her children discuss sex. They are simply made to understand that it is a good thing appropriate inside the confines of a marriage.

Along that same vein, I saw Maria Shriver, first lady of California, talk about similarly tight boundaries for her kids. It appears she and her husband, the Governator, are rather old-school as well. Despite the ever-trendy lifestyle of the rich and famous, their kids are monitored very closely. Their activities are well-supervised with chores, curfews and phone checks to the homes and parents of their children's' friends.

Um, I hate to say it, but this is how most of the people I know raise their kids. I was raised that way. To whom is this a revelation? Click on the title to read the whole article.


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