Friday, April 08, 2005

Teen dating revisited

From the blog The Homeschooling Revolution:

When Passions Run Amok

This is awful. A pretty gal, all of 15, was murdered by her possessive boyfriend (at school, no less).

One impression: I thought it odd that this 20/20 story featured a parade of women - a pair of mothers, a female teen violence expert, a teen-aged girl, and a female teacher. Even the reporter was a femme. The only male (besides the perp) was a guy who was dealing with his own abusive tendencies.

On another note - a happier one - I appreciate how many homeschool teens, I've encountered, who are clearly seeing the g-school serial dating scene as the emotional roller coaster that it is for most adolescents. They prefer participating in group activities as opposed to pairing off, and adults are not unwelcome to their social gatherings. A preferable arrangement which will better guard their hearts.

Update: Skip Oliva remembers a memorable statement made by a former bigwig politico: "When he first took over as speaker of the House, I recall Newt Gingrich gave a lecture on education policy. He proposed 'incentives' for students to graduate high school in three years as opposed to four; his rationale was that plenty of students were capable of finishing the curriculum in less time, and that for the most part, in his words, 'high schools are government-subsidized dating.' "

I'm glad I am not the only crazy one who thinks teen dating is a waste of time....


1 comment:

ng2000 said...

Valuable resource of teen dating news summaries: