Thursday, June 16, 2005

My dad is gone.

My dad passed away last night at about 9:40. I was with him.

It was a rough couple of weeks with him losing the ability to tell us what he needed and with him having long periods of agitation. On Tuesday night he even managed to work himself out of the bed, that with a nurse right there with him.

Mom and Dad's anniversary is today. They have been married 65 years. I was commenting to the nurse how sad it was that they both died this year and neither made it to their anniversary. She pointed out that Dad did manage to join Mom just in time for their anniversary. Wow.

This is in some ways easier than when my mom died because I don't have a grieving parent to comfort. I will be busy in the next few days taking care of details, but the service will be postponed until my sister can come out, probably in July. Her husband is in intensive care after an aortic dissection, something people usually don't survive. It looks like he will pull through.

Your prayers are appreciated.


1 comment:

LutheranChik said...

Katie: I just discovered your weblog. I lost my dad several years ago -- my prayers and thoughts are with you.