Friday, June 03, 2005

Stay away from home-schooled kids.

That's number 11 on Darren Rovell's guide to picking this year's spelling bee winner at Here is his reasoning:

It goes without saying that these kids don't get out of the house much. There are 34 home-schooled competitors in this year's bee, including speller No. 142 Jack Ausick and speller No. 217 Benjamin Zachary Walter. The first home schooler won in 1997 and others followed, including Thampy in 2000. But kids that actually interact with other children at school have won three out of the last four bees.

Now, if in his list he made other "funny comments" about types of kids, I would just take this as a lame attempt at humor. I really don't see that as the case. This guy just wanted to take a swipe at homeschoolers. Considering that I know lots of homeschoolers and that it is obvious that they (most of them, at least) get out quite a bit and actually do interact with people of all ages, this guy's comments are just plain ignorant.


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