Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Actually, the left just never made it out of seventh grade

Cheri Pierson Yecke has some interesting comments on the left's propensity to attack the appearance of those with whom they disagree:

Consider the criticisms of the president's new nominee to the Supreme Court. John Roberts has impeccable legal credentials, so what can the pundits attack? Why, the clothing of his wife and children, of course. A fashion maven in the Washington Post looked down her nose and mocked the family as "a trio of Easter eggs, a handful of Jelly Bellies, three little Necco wafers." They were then duly admonished with a sniff: "Please select all attire from the commonly accepted styles of this century."

Condoleezza Rice, our dignified secretary of state who started college at age 15 and earned a doctorate in her early 20s, is one of the most powerful women in the world.

Nonetheless, she has been mocked and ridiculed -- not for her intellect or knowledge of international diplomacy, but for her hair. It has been likened to that of June Cleaver, but her critics are not content to stereotype her as a dowdy relic from the supposedly subservient '50s. She has also been criticized as a "dominatrix" who oozes "sex and power" for wearing fashionable boots and a fitted black coat.

Read the whole article from the Star Tribune by clicking on the title above. The author goes on to mention Katherine Harris, Linda Tripp (who had major plastic surgery when she realized how ugly she was - thank you, leftist media) and Star Tribune columnist, Kathy Kersten.

I guess if you can't defend your ideas, you can bully your opponents by showing everyone how unattractive they are. After all, life is not worth living in America if you are not thin and beautiful. So, if you want to get into politics as a conservative woman and you don't look like a supermodel, be sure to armor plate your self-esteem. The "mean girls" on the left are just waiting to take you apart. Fortunately, it is likely that you have matured beyond the seventh grade.


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