Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Better check out the stealth hymnal.

This is on the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau site. Click on the title to get to the post. You might have to register. I went right to the post, but I am a registered member of the forum.

Check this out:

I noticed that the hymn proposals for the "new primary resource" are available online at the Renewing Worship web site. Just in time for them to say that they have been made widely available before the Churchwide Assembly.

In a quick look at the proposal, there are some suggested changes in tune and text that I like. For the most part it preserves what has been known in LBW and WOV.

The changes are predictable:

-- Those nasty words like "Lord" have been purged when possible (For example, see "For the Beauty of the Earth.")

-- That nasty "F" word has been eliminated when possible (For example, in "Come Thou Almighty King" verse 1, "Father All Glorious" is now "Maker all glorious." In "In Heaven Above" "Where God our Father dwells is now "where God forever dwells."

-- Those nasty male pronouns have been purged when possible. (For example, see "Earth and All Stars, " "Come Ye Thankful People, Come" "Hallelujah! Jesus Lives" "Let All together praise our God"

-- Those nasty references to men have been eliminated. "As With Gladness Men of Old" has been changed to "As With Gladness Travelers Bold."

-- Those nasty capital letters for God have been removed where the LBW left them. For example, see "Prince of Peace" in "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "Persons" in "Holy, Holy, Holy"

-- Some "exciting new translations" have been tragically proposed. (For example, see "A Mighty Fortress" (rhythmic) and "All Creatures Worship God Most High" (replaces "All Creatures of Our God and King)." "Jesus, My Sweet Pleasure, Perfect, Joyful Leisure" replaces "Jesus Priceless Treasure" (also gone is LBW 458 tune).

-- Some beautifully poetic and profound theological texts have been destroyed. For example, in "Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed," verse 3, "When God, the mighty maker, died For his own creatures' sin" has been changed to ". . . for all creation's sin." "Lamb of God, Pure and Sinless, Once on the cross an offering" becomes "Lamb of God, Pure and Sinless A Tree Your Limbs Suspending."

They have left most memorable texts alone for the sake of avoiding outright revolt.

A noted exception is "Away in a Manger." As a "theological revision" in verse 2, "But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes" is changed to "The little Lord Jesus our crying he takes." Maybe better theology but it will confuse generations of Lutherans who have memorized this text as children.

Given the consideration of the detail involved in these hymns and the other worship resources, the 2005 Assembly should postpone final approval at least until 2007 to allow the ELCA members a chance to respond or to suggest modifications to the proposed list or to proposed texts.


Well, gulp. I am not sure I really want to sing the hymns with these revisions. Yuck.

I certainly hope the delegates will be wise enough to give us more time to review the materials more thoroughly since we have been spending so much time on the sexuality issue.



Anonymous said...

Should the ELCA adopt the three recommendations of the Church Council and also continue with the proposal for a new hymnal as currently outlined, it will be "bye-bye ELCA" for me. I've has enough of the ELCA, the "theology-of-the-month club".

Anonymous said...

Should the ELCA adopt the three recommendations of the Church Council and also continue with the proposal for a new hymnal as currently outlined, it will be "bye-bye ELCA" for me. I've had enough of the ELCA, the "theology-of-the-month club".

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Tried to edit the first post and a second was sent. Well, I guess it underscores the point!

Katie Kilcrease said...

Happens to me all the time!

I hear you - I hope I don't have to make that decision too.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's a personal decision. Perhaps others can abide what's taking place.

However, I had about enough of pastors who preach these personal-story sermons that leave me and others responding, "Uh?" Equally, those who now want to put their own "spin" on "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Or, the ones who give little evidence of having a personal prayer life. Or, the ones who now believe the use of the term "sin" is going to bring more people to the Lord. And, the list goes on . . .