Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Canada goes the right way - this time.

Go over to Shellfish and read the article about how the Evangelical Church in Canada defeated a motion to allow local option for same sex blessings.

Unlike those eeeeevil traditionalists who threatened to leave or withhold funds if the motion passed, "most of those seeking approval for blessings promised to stay, to keep talking, to bear witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered believers." Yeah, right. They know that unless there is a revival of belief in the authority of scripture it is only a matter of time before same sex blessings and the ordination of non-celibate homosexuals will be accepted practice.

This does give me hope that the resolutions before the ELCA Churchwide Assembly will be defeated. This time.



Anonymous said...

Trust me, as an active member of an ELCIC church that voted a unified "NO" at our convention on Sunday, there is still much bitterness and tension from this that is HERE TO STAY!! Call him, "53% Loves Raymond" in the fact that that was the percentage of the delegates support our national Bishop Ray Schultz got re-elected at our convention. The other 47% split the vote amongst a few more conservative candidates unfortunately...thus, how the LIEberals always seem to win, eh? Besides, I know for a fact that conservatively-minded lutherans in Canada have now awoken from our slumber and have organized into a cohesive group not to be bullied around anymore!!

Katie Kilcrease said...

I pray that it is so and that you can make a difference - *and* that it will happen in the ELCA. It is time for people to wake up and see what is happening and take a stand!