Sunday, June 25, 2006

Are you happy with what you see in the new hymnal?

If not, here is a suggestion from a fellow freeper:

To all ELCA Freepers: Freep the "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" liturgy/hymnal!

Please do two things--the first easy, and the other hard:

1. There is a petition circulating around in orthodox ELCA circles, concerning the bogus "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" liturgy/hymnal. Please copy it into your own e-mail, and sign it with your own real name and congregation. Send it to the "Renewing Worship" committee at You may also wish to "cc" Presiding "Bishop" Hanson at There may be others, such as your synodical bishop, you may wiish to "cc".

Do it ASAP!!!!

You will get a form letter-like reply that you will not like. And you may not like the idea of promoting "RW" under any circumstances--I sure don't! However, as with most Freeps, the idea is to fill these people's e-mail boxes with as many of these messages as possible, to demonstrate the breadth of opposition to "ELW" and to its feminazi, anti-Trinitarian contents.

Here is the message for your e-mails:

To: the Renewing Worship Team of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

We, the undersigned concerned pastors, musicians, and lay leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, in order that we may in good conscience promote the new hymnal Evangelical Lutheran Worship in our congregations, ask the following of the ELCA Renewing Worship Team and Augsburg Fortress Publishers:

1. to refrain from altering the Psalter (e.g.., changing from the third person to the second person when referring to God in order to avoid the masculine pronoun "he)." We desire that the Psalter in the Lutheran Book of Worship be retained in this new book.

2. not to delete the address "O Lord, Holy Father, almighty and ever-living God" from the ancient Eucharistic proper prefaces.

3. to remove options which allow for blessing (with the exception of the Aaronic blessing before the dismissal at the conclusion of the Eucharist), absolving, etc. in any name except that of "The Father. Son, and Holy Spirit."

If these simple and modest requests are met, we will gladly promote this new Evangelical Lutheran Worship book in our churches. If not, we will refrain from promoting this new book and urge others to do the same.

Sincerely, (Your real name, and congregation)

2. Here is the hard thing to do, but very, very important: Please do everything you can to see that your congregation does NOT order "Evangelical Lutheran Worship", or use ANY materials from it. Speak with your pastor, church council, organist and worship committee--whoever is in charge of this. If your council or pastor has already decided to order or use "ELW", ask for a reconsideration. It is central to the Christian faith that we worship in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and accept no other subsitutes!!!! The feminazi, bogus, and heretical "ELW" goes against all of this.

We can win! If sufficient numbers of congregations don't order "ELW" or its associated electronic materials, it will bankrupt Augsburg-Fortress, and the ELCA mis-leaders will have to listen to us!!!

I ask you to take this information into consideration.



Sarah said...

Orthodox ELCERs? Are there others like me out there?

Katie Kilcrease said...

Yes...let me know if you want more info. We might very well be the majority. We just don't hold the reins of power. We're working on that. ;-)