Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It's that eminent domain thing again.

Are you getting tired of hearing about what is happening in New London, Connecticutt? Probably not, because it is not the habit of our media to focus on things that really could affect our lives.

Here's what Boortz has to say:

It finally happened. The namesake of the landmark Kelo vs. New London, Connecticut eminent domain decision finally got thrown out of her house. Since last year, five of the families from the original lawsuit have cut a deal with the city and agreed to give up their homes and leave. That left only two, of which Susette Kelo was one.

The New London, Connecticut City Council voted on Monday to give them the boot. This makes way for a large private development that will include a shiny new convention center, hotel and condominiums. The city can now do this because of the Supreme Court decision, which ruled in their favor. Local governments can now seize your property at will. For Susette Kelo, this is the end of private property rights. Ain't America great?

Yet, do we read much about the Kelo decision in the mainstream media? Certainly not enough. We have headlines about gay marriage and abortion instead. Just ask yourself....what has more potential impact on your life: a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage that will never be passed, or the ability of your local government to take your property, hand it over to a private developer with good political connections, and put you on the street? Remember: it doesn't matter how long your house has been there. This neighborhood in Connecticut was just was not blighted. But along comes a developer promising the city more tax revenue...and well, there goes the neighborhood.

No wonder politicians love government schools. Where do you think the dumb masses come from that can be so easily led and manipulated?

I guess as long as people think their property is safe, they aren't going to pay any attention.


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