Sunday, January 16, 2005

Should our conscience be our guide?

There has been a lot of talk about conscience in the the release of the ELCA sexuality task force's report and recommendations. Here is a quote from another Lutheran blog, Balaam's Ass:

It is official (kind of): certain people in the ELCA think a person's conscience should be the authority in life. I don't trust my fallen conscience. Scripture is the sole norm and authority in the church.

Do you agree or disagree? If our consience is the ultimate guide, where does that place scripture in our lives?


1 comment:

prying1 said...

Question: If our consience is the ultimate guide, where does that place scripture in our lives?

Look around at mankind in general and you can see where people go as a direct result of their conscience. They are in the gutter trying to beat their conscience into submission with drugs and alcohol or they are caught up in lofty, highminded self centeredness that denies the existence of God. Of course there is a lot of space in between but the problem is that often our desires place the conscience in the back seat and drives us off a cliff.

- H. C. Trumbull said, "Conscience tells us that we ought to do right, but it does not tell us what right is. That we are taught by God's word. -