Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Why is the ELCA losing members?

Some folks would blame the sexuality study, but Kay Syvrud of the Forum thinks that the study is just a symptom of the actual problem which is:

"I submit that these losses are not due to the "sexuality studies" or the
affiliation with the Episcopal Church or any other minor factor; rather, the
ELCA in its merger in 1987, dropped the historic Lutheran confession of the
"inerrancy and infallibility of scripture." When you do not believe that
God's word is inerrant or infallible but choose a "smorgasbord" approach to
the Bible, picking what you like and discarding what you don't like, the
result is spiritual deadness in your seminary, your hierarchy and
eventually, in your members."

I have always struggled with the whole infallible and inerrant argument regarding scripture. Who decides what part of scripture is fallible and in error?

I am not providing a link to the article because In Forum requires registration and I don't want to register...If you would like to do so, go to this link

Your other choice is to sign up for the Yahoo group where I found the article. You can do that by sending a message to Rev. Hershman puts a lot of articles on the list that are of interest to Lutherans. He is the only one who is permitted to post, so there is no discussion. It is an excellent list.


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