Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Newsweek anti-American?

It looks like Newsweek has a pattern of trashing the US in its overseas editions. Joseph Farah in World Net Daily writes:

How can we conclude anything other than Newsweek is playing a shell game with readers – delivering the pap marketers think they want? Abroad, Americans are portrayed as losers and rubes. At home, those stories conveniently disappear, replaced by the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

In other words, Newsweek is dishing out anti-American propaganda abroad, while trying to capture audiences at home with glitz and glamour.

Click on the title for details.

I quit reading the three big news magazines a long time ago. Now I get most of my news from the internet and for a news magazine, I enjoy the number four mag, World Magazine. If you like getting a news magazine, I highly recommend it. It is written from a Christian worldview and has some excellent writers and analysis.



Chris Duckworth said...

You say that World Magazine has a Christian worldview. I'm not familiar with the magazine or what would constitute a "christian worldview." Is it a worldview concerned with personal morality and individual freedom? Or a worldview concerned with the distribution of wealth and the wellfare of all people? Is it a worldview that challenges the powerful and lifts up the lowly? For this question and in general, what do we mean when we label something as "christian"?

Katie Kilcrease said...

I would say that it is a world view that acknowledges the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our salvation, God as the creator of the world, etc...there are lots of things that Christians disagree about, but those are foundational. In my opinion, World comes from a more conservative point of view theologically and socially.