Friday, May 06, 2005

Resolution Concerning the Recommendations of the ELCA Church Council On Sexuality Studies

Below is the resolution recommended by the Reference and Counsel Committee of the FL/Bahamas Synod. It was submitted by The FL/Bahamas Synod Task Force on Homosexuality and the Church. Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 were approved by the assembly.

Resolution 05-1

Whereas, the people of the Florida-Bahamas Synod give thanks to God for our oneness in Christ Jesus and for the gift of the Holy Spirit working in this synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America during this time of study and discernment of God's will for this church; and

Whereas, we give thanks for the variety of gifts and richness of diversity within our church, and recognize that people within our synod are not of one mind on the matter of sexuality, at times presenting fundamentally differing perspectives grounded in credible Lutheran theological and biblical teachings, and

Whereas, the 1993 statement of the Conference of Bishops provides counsel and advice to pastors and congregations leaving room for pastoral response to missional needs for caring for and supporting all persons, including those in committed same-gender relationships; and

Whereas, the recommendations of the ELCA Church Council place the trust of the ELCA in the congregations, synods, candidacy committees, and bishops to discern the Holy Spirit's gifts for ministry among the baptized and make decisions appropriate to each situation while respecting conscience-bound positions that are in disagreement;and

Whereas, no congregation of the ELCA is compelled to consider or call any candidate for a rostered position; therefore, be it

1. RESOLVED, that the Florida-Bahamas Synod, in Assembly, affirm with gratitude the involvement of congregations and individuals in this study and conversation, and affirm with gratitude the work of the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality, the Conference of Bishops, and the Church Council in preparing the recommendations to be presented to the 2005 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Church in America; and be it further

2. RESOLVED, that the Florida-Bahamas Synod, in Assembly, encourage all congregations of this synod to hold in prayer the voting members of the 2005 Churchwide Assembly, and further pray for the blessing of the Holy Spirit to guide the deliberations and decisions of the Churchwide Assembly; and be it further

3. RESOLVED, that the Florida-Bahamas Synod, in Assembly, memorialize the 2005 Churchwide Assembly to approve the resolution related to Recommedation #1, as presented by the Church Council, affirming our unity while recognizing our diversity as a people of God, and encouraging us to find ways to live together faithfully in the midst of our differences; and be it further

4. RESOLVED, that the Florida-Bahamas Synod, in Assembly, memorialize the 2005 Churchwide Assembly to approve the resolutions related to Recommendation #2, as presented by the Church Council, respecting the 1993 statement of the Conference of Bishops as pastoral guidance, ad trusting pastors and congregations to provide faithful pastoral care to all persons; and be it further

5. RESOLVED, that the Florida-Bahamas Synod, in Assembly, memorialize the 2005 Churchwide Assembly to approve the resolution related to Recommendation #3, as presented by the Church Council, which provides a way to create space in this church for ministries that would fully accept the gifts of gay and lesbian rostered leaders living in committed, same-gender relationships.

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