Friday, August 10, 2007

Will we ever get done with these motions!!!???

So we had a motion on the floor to refer the memorials regarding ordination to the sexuality task force. Goodsoil presented a substitute motion which basically reinstated the model memorial for ordination. So we had the two motions up and had to choose between them. We debated long and hard. Everything that needed to be said on both sides was said. We called the question and the Goodsoil motion was defeated. Now, if I had just gotten up right then and called the question on the first motion, we would be done with this issue, but none of us moved fast enough and we did not see what was coming. A SECOND substitute motion was moved and now we are debating that. Everyone is tired tired tired! We are not making any progress and people are just saying the same thing over and over.

For detail accounts of the events of the day, check out the ALPB forum!

For streaming video, go to!

The secretary's was great! You can see that at Seriously, Lowell Almen is retiring and his report was a fabulous video. Really! You have to see it! (That is if you are a church geek....)


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