Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Did I mention I despise AARP?

I really do. I will never join their lying, socialist, leftwing obstructionist organization. I hate writing checks to them for my dad, but that was his choice. There is no way that continuing the way we are going with Social Security is going to work. Our children and grandchildren will be in bondage to Social Security if we don't do something to let people invest their own money. AARP will do whatever they can to stop Social Security reform. Rich Lowry writes:

The AARP recently announced that it is taking its campaign against President Bush's proposed Social Security reform to the nation's youth, hoping to broaden its target audience from the credulous elderly to the credulous young. Thus, the AARP further cements its status as the country's foremost lobby against reform. So inquiring minds should have a few questions for AARP CEO William D. Novelli, the architect of the group's crusade to keep young people from having personal retirement accounts as part of Social Security:

Since Bush has said that any proposal won't affect anyone 55 years of age or older, what possible reason — other than sheer ideological hostility — do you have to oppose reforming the system?

Your group's advocacy suggests that reform puts at risk the benefits of current Social Security recipients, even though cutting those benefits is off the table. Are you routinely so dishonest, or is this a special case?

In 1950, 16 workers supported each retiree. By 2040, there will only be two workers per retiree. Does it occur to you that that is very bad news for workers? Or is your ultimate ambition to have each retiree supported by his own individual worker? Perhaps this worker can be made to fan his designated retiree with a palm frond and deliver him fruity drinks poolside?

Read the rest of the article by clicking on the title.


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