Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A Response from Doug Wead

Doug Wead is the guy who taped GW Bush and made some of the tapes public. I called him a is a post from Freeper Richard Kimball who sent him an e-mail telling him what he thought:

I sent a pretty scathing email to Doug Wead. To my surprise, he sent back an actual, personal, note. Here is the text of his message:
I was wrong to tape the president without his permission. wish I could live my life over and do things differently. Actually, I think the released tapes made him look good, that unlike other tape stories this was not about catching someone doing something wrong but catching someone doing something right. and the media just reacted knee jerk to the word "tapes."

Actually, started taping him in 1988 - with his permission - and still have those tapes. saw him as a future leader and was proud of him. and so it was natural to keep taping, even without his permission sense i never imagined they would more than source notes for history books. i just wanted to some day write about it all in an accurate way.

Anyway, this is what I am doing now, not sure what else I can do. Asking my attorney to direct any future proceeds from the book to charity and to find the best way to vet these tapes and get them back to the president to whom they belong. History can wait.

Doug Wead

---So perhaps this is just someone who showed poor judgement. He made a mistake...OK, buy his book.


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