Friday, September 09, 2005

Tales from the Front

I thought I would start posting personal accounts from folks involved in the recovery from Katrina. A good place to find these stories is Free Republic. Here is number one:

A friend who has been working as a missionary in the inner city for the last 18 years sent this e-mail to me about her experience working with the Red Cross.


As you know we work in the inner city with 99.9% low income, welfare and poverty stricken people. So I am just supposing (no other explanation) that that is why we had many calls from people that need help or know someone that needs help with the Katrina relief.

We were in Bible study on Tue and some of the ladies from the Bible study brought me cans of their food to give to these Katrina victims. First I had to hold back a lot of emotion because many of these women are giving out of their poverty. I encouraged them to keep their food if they were in need that God wants to bless them for their hearts longing to help, but not to take food from their family to do it. (you may or may not agree) but I know that one 76 yrs old lady who brought three cans of food and gave it to me in a bag so no one knew she was giving it said, "Here I have no car and no MARTA money to get this to the drop off spot but will you get it there for me."

On behalf of the ladies, T [her husband] and I instead, volunteered with the Red Cross that CALLED us on Mon night for help.

Here is just a brief synopses of what took place. Mind you again, they called us and asked if we could help out because they had some hostile folks the day before and they thought (because of what we do) we could defuse some hot tempers.

We prayed and God sent us.

We first set up a PA system so every one of the more then 200 folks could hear all the announcements and numbers being called for processing, we asked if we could play some soothing music and it was frowned upon because they thought we would play Christian music. Well, we didn't wait for an answer because we saw the need was great for some calm. So we played Kenny G (for 9 hours!!!!!!)

People, including the volunteers that had been there, said how wonderful and helpful it was, Okay that was good, Then I announced that they should give themselves a hand clap for being survivors, they did and it was the first smiles we saw since we pulled up. Then I said T was here and if anyone wanted to pray, felt like they needed prayer that they could see him. Instant loud applause shot through the crowd, EXCEPT from the Red Cross, they jumped on us like a flea on a dog! They said we COULD NOT say anything of the sort and further more that they do NOT in any way promote any religious activity. My heart sank and I wanted to leave but the Lord said NO we had to stay. All I know how to do is talk about the Lord so my vocabulary was very limited. Then God showed us that the parking lot where the volunteers were parking did not have anything to do with the Red Cross so we set out on a mission. We had designated jobs we had to do for them but every time we could step away we took someone out there and prayed for them.

Then we were given (by a Coke company representative), some cards with their web and offering jobs, I made that announcement and they jumped me again and said they were not affiliated with Coke and NOT to make such announcements.

Now go figure, these people need jobs but I couldn't tell them where to get one. Feeling so frustrated and sick at my stomach I got a little mad too! I said okay Lord we're just going underground!!!! We got the info to those that wanted it one by one.

Then we saw literally hundreds of cars, trucks drive up to give food and clothing and they were turned away in HASTE. I understand that they had no training nor room to take these donations but they were not interested in thanking these folks at all. I went outside their building and I watched the dejected people walk back to their cars. Some were crying some were mad and some were just downright confused, because all they have heard is how much all this is needed.

People came to volunteer and they turned them away.

A crippled man came to help and they turned him away I watched his face as he walked (limped) to his car and left.

I said, “Lord for some reason you slid us in here and I'm not gonna let You down.”

One lady (actually many) that came, wearing the only clothes she had, and had been wearing them for over a week! It had been washed once, she needed toiletry items and I thought I might better ask this time and they said she had to go through the" process" before they gave her ANYTHING! Which meant that she has to wait another week to get clothing with voucher!


Mind you when I say, a lady, a mother or a man, that there were many more in the crowd that represents them but I tell you just the one story so you get the idea! Multiply all these stories by the hundreds and you will have the picture.

A mother needed diapers and by the time the "PROCESS" was down the baby had urine and feces running down his leg!!!!!! One of there volunteers walked around for hours with RED Cross color books and RED CROSS stuffed animals and didn't give many away. She was looking at the children and assessing weather or not they needed the item. I asked for a coloring book for a little girl that had a birth defect that leaves opened wounds all over her body, she couldn't go and color with the other kids and the "volunteer” would not give me one!

T made a dash for our warehouse and brought back clothing, toys, diapers, etc., and I started sneaking (don't know a better word) the stuff to these people.

MY GOD people!!!! Don't worry about who gets credit for what and your numbers games MEET THE NEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a nervous wreck by the time the day was spent, I was dehydrated and hungry. I took my own snacks for the day but never had time to eat them.

I finally realized that the red cross needs to make sure they get the credit for anything done so they get more money from people like you and me. Their were people needing many things and it seem that the items the red cross did get in from "their" resources, were being hoarded and rationed while countless hundreds with truck loads were being turned away!!!!

Please help me understand this!!!!!!!!!

They didn't give out one shirt, and the people were desperate for a change of clothing. The red cross leader then began to tell the people were they could go for clothing.

BUT the evacuees came to me and said, “How can I get there with no transportation???????????”

My hands were so tied I got sick!!!!!

Well, I may not have made some of you happy by voicing this opinion but I had to say this to say this, pray for us, I don't know what would happen to this city if something of this magnitude ever hit us.

I know the churches are doing things but they are not being vocal enough for the Christian public to know what to do in that circle!

At the end of the day I was pleased knowing that the Lord just allowed us to do what I call mole Christian witnessing, and many lives were touched and blessed and many made a point to hug JUST T and I before they left.

There was a New Orleans seminary student there waiting to be processed, Two semesters from his masters in divinity, I wish I'd have gotten his name. If he by chance should get a hold of this note (I hear my letters get passed around a lot) please call us xxx-xxx-xxxx we have a place for you to stay and some suits for you to try on. Just in case he hears this message!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I know this is long but we have already gotten two calls for help. We'll write more later, gotta go.

OH by the way by phone while at Bible study Tues. we were trying to place 250 families. Simpsonwood worked with us to house 100 of these in their conference facility. Thank you and God bless.

I am sorry if you disagree with me but I think we should send our money to those of Christian faith so we can use this opportunity to be a witness for Christ. When you give at Publix and channel five, you are giving to the Red Cross!

Ask where your money is going and be smart when you give. Make sure it's getting to the people you intended to get it!

WELL, I love ya and I hope ya love me too, after voicing my opinion only because we didn't go on hearsay, we are in the middle of this. So until next time . . .

Your MOLE MISSIONARY, signing off, P

I encourage you to give to Lutheran World Relief.


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