Monday, September 05, 2005

Why is it that the ELCA supports the Palestinians?

We are so concerned about them being treated unfairly by Israel (who, understandably, would like to keep the bombers out), but we don't seem so concerned about this:

Who will speak up for the Arab Christians?

The Jerusalem Post reports a pogrom by Palestinian Muslims against the Christian Arab village of Taibah near Ramallah. Although no-one was injured, many were forced to flee the village. The attack was triggered by the murder of a Muslim woman from the nearby village of Deir Jarir who was apparently killed by members of her family for having had a romance with a Christian man from Taiba.

'"When her family discovered that she had been involved in a forbidden relationship with a Christian, they apparently forced her to drink poison," said one source. "Then they buried her without reporting her death to the relevant authorities..."

‘More than 500 Muslim men, chanting Allahu akbar [God is great], attacked us at night," said a Taiba resident. "They poured kerosene on many buildings and set them on fire. Many of the attackers broke into houses and stole furniture, jewelry and electrical appliances." With the exception of large numbers of PA policemen, the streets of Taiba were completely deserted on Sunday as the residents remained indoors. Many torched cars littered the streets. At least 16 houses had been gutted by fire and the assailants also destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Click on the title for the entire article.



Steve said...

Great blog. I noticed your last name. Do you happen to be related to a Jack Kilcrease? He was a classmate of mine when he went to Luther seminary for two years.

Katie Kilcrease said...

I don't know of a Jack Kilcrease, but there aren't two many Kilcreases out there, so it is possible that we are related. I don't really know that many of our relatives because my dad's family was not too great at keeping in touch.

Thanks for reading the blog!