Thursday, September 08, 2005

Why are they blaming Bush?

I thought this was worth passing along. I found it on Free Republic.

Folks, I'm sorry for the semi-vanity post, but THIS NEEDS TO GET OUT THERE. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell perfect strangers. Tell everyone. Frankly, I'm absolutely stunned that this isn't the top article on every single news site. I'm stunned that the blogosphere isn't buzzing about nothing else. Why hasn't this gotten the attention it deserved?

In short: the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security BLOCKED THE RED CROSS from bringing desperately needed food, water, and supplies to the Superdome and the Convention Center. This was done to deliberately make conditions worse. Why? Because they wanted people to evacuate, and I guess they figured that if the people there had the luxury of, say, CLEAN WATER, they'd be less likely to leave. So they made a willful decision to starve and dehydrate the people in the Superdome so they'd be miserable enough to leave... or, if they were weak, miserable enough to die, as a few of them did.

I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. Check the Red Cross site:

Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?

  • The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.

Governor Blanco doesn't deserve electoral defeat. She doesn't deserve impeachment. She deserves to sit in prison for the rest of her life... or to hang by the neck until dead for inflicting on Americans what would be considered an atrocity if Americans inflicted it on anyone else.

And while this was going on, both the Mayor and the Governor were crying, "Where is the food? Where is the water?" The food and the water were sitting on trucks which were prevented from delivering them by the State of Louisiana.

Tell everybody.


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