Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ann Coulter pulls no punches

Calvin and Hobbes -- and Muhammad
Ann Coulter

As my regular readers know, I've long been skeptical of the "Religion of Peace" moniker for Muslims -- for at least 3,000 reasons right off the top of my head. I think the evidence is going my way this week.

The culture editor of a newspaper in Denmark suspected writers and cartoonists were engaging in self-censorship when it came to the Religion of Peace. It was subtle things, like a Danish comedian's statement, paraphrased by The New York Times, "that he had no problem urinating on the Bible but that he would not dare do the same to the Quran."

Click on the title to read the rest.



Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of radical decapitation Islam, but I sense that the real motivtion for the Danish cartoons was more out of a hatred for religion. Europe is secular fundamentlist, it clearly despises Christianity; the problem with this attitude is that Christianity is Europe's only hope in surviving a Muslim conquest. Muslims in Europe are having big families, they beleive in marriage (Europeans are having less children and no longer beleive in mariage as such), and are willing to sacrifice for their faith (even though the sacrifices they are making is murder). The secular and somewhat naive Europeans have a huge problem on their hands with no coherent structure/foundation to build on to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Pat Sajack's blog says it very succinctly:

"The bullies are winning."

Sadly, I concur.