Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Since I can't say this any better, I'll refer you to an article on Gene Edward Vieth's blog. While I don't advocate insulting anyone's religion, there will be serious consequences to the world submitting to the demands of Islam.


As a companion piece to the article posted about below, you have got to read Diana West's column:

We need to learn a new word: dhimmitude. I've written about dhimmitude periodically, lo, these many years since September 11, but it takes time to sink in. Dhimmitude is the coinage of a brilliant historian, Bat Ye'or, whose pioneering studies of the dhimmi, populations of Jews and Christians vanquished by Islamic jihad, have led her to conclude that a common culture has existed through the centuries among the varied dhimmi populations. From Egypt and Palestine to Iraq and Syria, from Morocco and Algeria to Spain, Sicily and Greece, from Armenia and the Balkans to the Caucasus: Wherever Islam conquered, surrendering dhimmi, known to Muslims as "people of the book [the Bible]," were tolerated, allowed to practice their religion, but at a dehumanizing cost.

Please click on the title to read the rest.

It's time to wake up folks!


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