Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Some people just need a good thrashing!

Dead Soldier's Home Vandalized

David MacAnally/Eyewitness News

Kokomo, February 27 - For the family who lives in a modest home in Kokomo, the fatal Iraq attack came last week.

Then the attack at home followed.

Vandals defaced the home of Sgt. Rickey Jones' family. Eggs were thrown and flags were stolen. Sgt. Jones, a Kokomo High School graduate, was one four soldier's with the 101st killed west of Baghdad last week.

So who, one week before his burial in his hometown, would vandalize a fallen hero's house?

Neighbor Robyn Ousley is at a loss to explain. "I have no idea, somebody pretty, pretty awful."

Another friend, Bill Swaggerty, says there is more than vandalism for the family to deal with. They're calling here and saying, 'I'm glad your son is dead' and it's wrong."

Click on the title for more.

What kind of people would do such a thing?

And, perhaps you are not aware of this, but what kind of person is Fred Phelps to lead protesters at funerals for soldiers, celebrating their deaths and saying, "God hates fags?" He protests military funerals because he says God is punishing the US for supporting homosexuality. He is a sick man.


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