Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Supreme Court says no.

You can't use RICO to prosecute abortion protesters. Good. That was a bad idea.

The Court voted 8 - 0.

Read about it by clicking on the title.



Church on Main said...

I suppose the Court felt it was unfair to the racketeers, gangsters and thugs to lump them in with people who prey on the vulnerable of society.

Anonymous said...

Dr.John wrote the following about somebody:"prey on the vulnerable of society." I wonder, would you be talking about those people who perform abortions and prey on the fears of women (like planned parenthood) and kill the most vulnerable of our society, or are you speaking of some other folks? Just curious.

Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Rob Buechler

The Sanity Inspector said...

Tip: when linking to a news article, don't link to yahoo news. The link will go dead in a couple of weeks. You can find a number of wire and newspaper links to the same story via news.google.com, many of which are more permanent than yahoo.

Katie Kilcrease said...

dr. john, that is your second "drive-by-comment." If all you are interested in is taking pot shots at conservatives rather than engaging in civil discussion, I encourage you to mosey on over to www.democraticunderground.com. I am sure you will feel right at home there.

Church on Main said...

I would hardly classify my comments as " drive-by" The comments are not made anonymously and, I believe, they both pertained to the subject matter.

My first comment pertained to a post and subsequent comment regarding whether we would refer to Jesus as "His only Son" or "God's only Son". My comment might have been concise and biting, certainly sarcastic, but hardly drive-by. Your retort was neither informative nor imaginative, but hey, I can live with it.

I thought long and hard about your post:

"You can't use RICO to prosecute abortion protesters. Good. That was a bad idea.

The Court voted 8 - 0."

What is the lesson we are to draw from this particularly insightful piece of analysis? Surely we can't be talking about your run-of-the-mill abortion protestor who drives to Washington on the anniversary of Roe v Wade. This posting must refer to those who protest outside clinics, shouting at women who are often frightened, alone, desperate, guilt-ridden to begin with. It then occurred to me that perhaps you saw in an 8-0 vote a vindication for these people.

There are good people of conscience on both sides of the abortion debate. There are issues of faith, reason, law, ethics, morals, science, you name it involved we these questions. I can understand the arguments against using (or misusing) RICO statutes. And I'm very sympathetic to free speech rights. But the folks who stand outside clinics and prey on these women ( Yes, Mr. Buechler, I'm calling them predators) are not saints. They're not heroes. They're certainly not doing God's work. They may be no worse than the women going in to have an abortion, but they are certainly no better.

That which we do to the least, we do to Jesus; that which we fail to do to the least, we fail to do to Jesus. Compassion, understanding, comfort, and, of course, forgiveness are what are called for.

Anonymous said...

Dr.John writes: "That which we do to the least, we do to Jesus; that which we fail to do to the least, we fail to do to Jesus. Compassion, understanding, comfort, and, of course, forgiveness are what are called for. "

Well, I do think we are getting somewhere...perhaps.

I don't really know anyone opposed to abortion who agrees with running down women going to abortion clinics.

I do know people who have protested outside these clinics and invited these women to find alternatives to killing their children.

As you say, as we do to the least of these, his brethren, we do to him. If we kill the most vulnerable among us, we crucify our Lord over and over again.

Compassion, etc...has its place. However, if we are to speak of any of this in a Christian context, we must also speak of sin. Abortion is sin at least with regards to the 97% that are done because the child is seen as an inconvenience.(Planned Parenthood stats). That those who wish to call these women to rethink and repent are now allowed to stand their ground is a good.

That they feel guilty is not an evil, but a good. It is perhaps the thing that if pricked and prodded in the right direction will lead to repentance and redemption.

I agree that one must be careful how the prodding is done, but that it may be done...and yes, in front of these houses of death and murder...is a good.

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler

Katie Kilcrease said...

Thank you, Dr. John!

I appreciate your taking the time to elaborate on your comments, and no, I am not being sarcastic. I had mistaken you for a troll, like we often find on Free Republic. I am glad I was mistaken and that you would like to engage in intelligent discussion.

I am sorry that many of my comments are cryptic and less than insightful. I did not establish this blog to write lengthy treatises on my opinions and thoughts. I created it to give my friends a place to read articles I happened to find interesting and to keep me from sending out mass e-mails about items of interest to people I was not sure would be interested in them. I also have used it as a place for those who do not want to search out information to keep up with some of the happenings in our church body. I have been truly blessed by the strangers that have become friends after they discovered the blog.

(Pastor Rob, you would not believe the number of times your name has come up when my friends were discussing the blog. Usually they say something about how awesome that pastor is who posts on your blog....)

I am actually a writer and have published a number of articles and a couple of books, but to prove it I would have to put my real name on the blog, which I have been warned is not a good idea with the number of crazy people there are out there, so I guess you will just have to take my word for it.

I relish the thought of having people post who disagree with my sometime kneejerk conservatism, but I reserve the right to remove comments that are insulting, destructive or just plain innane. After all, it is my blog. ;-)