Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Conservatives shall inherit the earth....

Power Line blog pointed me to a rather lengthy article by Phillip Longman from which they took these quotes:

[N]early 20 percent of women born in the late 1950s are reaching the end of their reproductive lives without having had children. The greatly expanded childless segment of contemporary society, whose members are drawn disproportionately from the feminist and countercultural movements of the 1960s and '70s, will leave no genetic legacy. . . .Nor do single-child families contribute much to future population. The 17.4 percent of baby boomer women who had only one child account for a mere 7.8 percent of children born in the next generation. By contrast, nearly a quarter of the children of baby boomers descend from the mere 11 percent of baby boomer women who had four or more children. These circumstances are leading to the emergence of a new society whose members will disproportionately be descended from parents who rejected the social tendencies that once made childlessness and small families the norm. . . .

Among states that voted for President George W. Bush in 2004, fertility rates are 12 percent higher than in states that voted for Sen. John Kerry.


The author's premise is that a society's tendency to avoid children eventually leads that society back to patriarchy - I replaced that with conservatism, traditional values, whatever you choose to call it. The people who reproduce themselves will be the leaders while those who have one or no children will die out. I guess that means homeschoolers will eventually take over in the U.S. since they seem to have more children than any other group I have observed! ;-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it doesn't bother me too much if my line dies out (have two children, one has gone on before us to the Lord); as heaven is the home I'm looking for. Wouldn't bother me either (I would be delighted) to see at least the social conservatives come to more prominance.

However, one thing that does bother me in this article (unless I missed it) is the issue of abortion/holding down our birth rate and the social security issue. Fact is, with as many as 45 million abortions since 1972, we have pretty well wiped out that generation that would be putting into social security. If we want to know whether or not abortion and birth rate decline is adversely affecting our country, note the trouble we are in with social security.

This by the way is why we are having a hard time with immigration control. When a country destroys its own workforce, we need to get that force from somewhere. Immigration is now our replacement population. Not a good deal, especially if we were Europe (note the influx of the Muslim population...notably the radical Islamist population).

Abortion is destroying our country one infant at a time. God have mercy on our collective souls!

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler