Saturday, March 05, 2005

Don't miss this - watch the miracle of prenatal development on tv!

Of course, the NY Slimes has to take their expected shot at the pro-life position, but the show sounds like it could be fascinating! Here is a snippet from the article:

Tracking the Messy Miracle, With Computerized Help

Full-frontal images of a vagina are available on cable Sunday night, but they come at a price. You have to watch a bloody, hairy baby burst through that vagina, and before that you have to watch the little creature in utero, growing in all its Operation Rescue propaganda detail, in the National Geographic Channel's latest unveiling of the hideous miracle of life.

Now tell me, is it propaganda if it is true?? We are looking at the real thing here and the Slimes calls it Operation Rescue propaganda? We can only hope that watching the real life of a baby, excuse me, a *fetus* prior to birth will open some eyes to the true evil that abortion is.

The Slimes does admit that, "the acknowledgement that humans in the womb are complex, dreaming, pain-experiencing, memory-having, walk-practicing, music-enjoying entities does not instantly put you in the same camp as doctor assassins and purveyors of "The Silent Scream." Whew, thank goodness. I would not want to be like all those people who are pro-life and advocate killing doctors! Can you say "bias?" I knew you could.


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