Tuesday, March 08, 2005

More Sexuality Report analysis

Here is an excerpt from a very thoughtful analysis of the ELCA sexuality task force report:

Where in the world does anyone identify behavior or choices as unacceptable but informs the participants that there will be no consequences or discipline if they choose not to comply? Does this work in parenting children? How about for policy implementation in the local school district, courts, government, traffic control? Don’t our experiences witness to the reality that without enforcement of “the rules” and the “threat” thereof, the unacceptable can quickly become the act or behavior practiced or desired? I would proffer that the words of the recommendations would function incongruously—if “enforced” by a no-enforcement policy. In other words, those who would choose to discipline or enforce current boundaries would be accused of acting less “pastorally and lovingly” and therefore could be judged as judgmental, prejudiced or even self righteous for enforcing the very standards upheld in the recommendations. Ironic, isn’t it?

I have to admit, if I know the speed limit is not being enforced, I will drive as fast as I feel comfortable driving...sort of like driving through Atlanta...

I also love words and being precise about saying what I mean. I hate the thought that our words are going to be saying one thing and our actions another.

Hmmm. We are in the midst of our stewardship emphasis at my church. Lots of encouragement to step up to the plate and joyfully support present and, hopefully, new, expanded ministries. Are the words in this instance more true than in what we *say* we believe about sexuality? Hmmm.


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